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好多年前由住元朗嘅朋友帶我哋試過呢間小店之後,我哋就愛上咗,仲經常揸車入去幫襯👍 以前晚市經常大排長龍,屹立不倒多年,一定有原因。今次番香港有機會經過元朗,一定唔放過佢嘅霸王雞🐓 雞肉嫩滑,雞皮仲有啫哩,配上大量蔥絲同炸蒜,豉油濃得嚟唔會太鹹,亦有大量芽菜墊底,係嗰隻味喇🥰 今次唔只食味道,仲食埋情懷🫶The place was always busy when we were still living in HK. The restaurant named as noodles stall but the most popular dish is actually chicken. My friend brought us there and then became our go-to restaurant for chicken which was good especially accompanied by green onion and fried garlic. I won't miss it every time I drop by Yuen Long.
The place was always busy when we were still living in HK. The restaurant named as noodles stall but the most popular dish is actually chicken. My friend brought us there and then became our go-to restaurant for chicken which was good especially accompanied by green onion and fried garlic. I won't miss it every time I drop by Yuen Long.