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3月份在香港食咗兩次拉麵,第一次試咗雞白湯拉麵,再試就想搵間重口味嘅,最後揀咗東京過江龍辣麻味噌拉麵鬼金棒👹一睇個樣就知啱曬重口味嘅朋友,惹味嘅秘製辣麻味噌湯底,加埋重口味嘅芫茜鋪到成碗都係,我鍾意😝 拉麵嘅麵質較粗,口感煙韌。溏心蛋超正,色澤帶橙,勁有蛋香👍 义燒肥瘦分明,煮得入味軟腍,入口溶化,但就比較肥膩咗啲🤏 湯底濃郁,配料仲有粟米荀同大量芽菜,食完大滿足呀😋This is a nice bowl of ramen with different levels of spice you can choose from. The aroma of coriander fills the entire bowl of soup base. Noodles are firm and the egg is cooked to perfection. The pork is melt-in-your mouth pork belly, delicious but just a tiny bit too fatty for me.
一睇個樣就知啱曬重口味嘅朋友,惹味嘅秘製辣麻味噌湯底,加埋重口味嘅芫茜鋪到成碗都係,我鍾意😝 拉麵嘅麵質較粗,口感煙韌。溏心蛋超正,色澤帶橙,勁有蛋香👍 义燒肥瘦分明,煮得入味軟腍,入口溶化,但就比較肥膩咗啲🤏 湯底濃郁,配料仲有粟米荀同大量芽菜,食完大滿足呀😋
This is a nice bowl of ramen with different levels of spice you can choose from. The aroma of coriander fills the entire bowl of soup base. Noodles are firm and the egg is cooked to perfection. The pork is melt-in-your mouth pork belly, delicious but just a tiny bit too fatty for me.