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6.5/10 plates emptied! Cupping Room的名氣越來越大這講法沒有錯,就算咖啡店開到成行成市,Carly亦對此感到有點困惑,也許是香港人無論年紀大一點或年輕一輩的,都會想在忙碌的生活中,閒來靜靜的享受週末的時光。All-day breakfast近期在香港更是大行其道,cafe差不多間間都有賓利迪蛋(Egg Benedict),有意大利粉(pasta) ,弄得好吃的卻沒有幾多間。Carly至今在香港還未找到一間合心水的All-day Breakfast cafe,可能是對Egg Benedict的要求太高吧。Cupping Room拿過咖啡沖調師的獎項,由上環開到去灣仔的汕頭街,只要經過灣仔那附近一帶,競爭更見白熱化,門面光鮮的Coffee Academics,不乏粉絲的Caffe Habitu,帶有美國快餐和All-day Breakfast風的Veygo Cafe,評語不俗的Rabbit Hole,轉角亮麗雅緻,甜品種類繁多的Passion Cafe,平平地又要求不高去McCafe都得,點解一定要去Cupping Room?Carly最近又再到培養了喝咖
暗暗格仔紋的大玻璃,銅色和深木色主調的檯桌,很是討好。看上去不是很大的店鋪,但原來行上樓上還有一個閣樓可以容納多些顧客。二人桌上還印有Cupping Room logo的金牌,簡潔得來有性格,裝修不會過於擁擠逼人。喜歡這裡一點都不港式,又不會硬銷歐陸情懷又或者復古風,簡單的調子,單純務實地做好一間咖啡店。自然陽光在一個寒意甚濃的中午透進這寧靜的咖啡店,Carly已經滿心期待。
Heartwarming natural sunlight beamed through the lined pattern windows into the cafe, seemingly not too big, there is an upper floor that can hold more coffee lovers. 2 people tables were explicitly designed for Cupping Room as the golden logo of “CR” caught Carly’s attention with a modern yet setback tone of darkish wooden color of chairs and decor made her felt settled in. 3 choices (including one vegetarian choice) for set lunches, we ordered two of the mains – pasta and grilled salmon.
Carly以前是頗喜歡Holly Brown 的意大利粉,尤其是用上天使麵的Carbonara,味道做到不錯再加一杯細咖啡,收你一百一十大元,問題是越來越貴,碟粉又越黎越細,咖啡質素更見下降。Cupping Room的午餐有三款主食,包括一素食選擇,雖然選擇不多,但總不能要求太多。多數來用餐的都是二人同行,氣氛悠遊,Carly看見不少人是訂位後到的,第一次撞上門就有位,Carly亦感到幸運。好吧,食物如何呢?誠言是有驚喜的,意大利粉份量不少,一大碟,女孩子們獨個吃掉會感到有點吃力,但意外的是,味道一點都不遜色。意大利粉一大卷一大卷的纏在一起,掛汁能力蠻強,口感不是那種港式煮到熟透軟身的意大利粉,保持了應有的嚼勁口感,Al dente很是不錯。醬汁不是濃湯白汁煮到稀釋的質感,應是自家製煮成的,因為白汁濃厚之餘,還有令人食指大動的蒜香,重點不會太咸,有香氣有味道,但不會過火。用心的製作是如何看得出來,還有一上桌就看見麵身點點芝士焗至金黃的效果,不但能夠增加香氣,吃上去還會更加香口滿足。Carly對於焗飯、焗意大利粉都情有獨鐘,Cupping Room簡單不過又何其美味的意大利粉已經讓Carly樂上大半天。最令Carly驚嘆的是煎雞塊的份量不少,有好幾塊,絕對不是for show。稍微煎過的雞胸肉可能會讓人卻步,大家都雞胸肉的印象都是又乾又「柴身」。雞味不是太突出,但Cupping Room的雞胸肉煮得剛剛好,吃到中間還是軟腍,一點都不乾,還是出奇的濕潤,不知道是煮的技巧高超,還是來貨用料較好吧。絕對算得上是不俗的意大利粉,用料、賣相、味道都甚有水準。
煎三文魚,其實在家裡都不難煮得好味,只要稍微加點鹽和黑椒碎,煎到魚油甘香,魚皮外層金黃香脆,不用花太大功夫就能夠輕易地帶出三文魚的鮮味。Cupping Room的三文魚煎得粉嫩,不會過熟,厚身的魚肉也不會煎得火候不均勻,slow cooked的煮法不單能夠溫和的煎香三文魚,同時間,又保持了肉質滑溜的層次。是稍為多了點油,旁邊的沙律用上較健康和冷門的Kale和煙韌帶嚼勁的superfood quinoa ,不常見都其實味道不錯,不會一味只是給你羅馬生菜Romaine Lettuce又或者火箭菜Rocket 。
咖啡豆的味道還算可以,聞一聞,幽幽的傳來一陣帶奶泡香的咖啡味,拉花看上去很優雅亮麗,比一般中價的咖啡店用心和出色。奶泡打得細滑,奶味不特別重。因為Flat white的咖啡味較濃,所以比較形合Carly的口味,還可以,卻說不上十分滿意。雖然還是比起Elephant Grounds烘焙出來的咖啡豆略為遜色,但Cupping Room的質量算是不錯,比起同一條街的Veygo,絕對會選擇Cupping Room。
There are a few ways of how to judge whether this cup of flat white is up to standards, latte art was pretty (at least better than a lot of average cafes), the coffee crema on top was darkish brown which tasted mildy robust, Carly would have to say that it lacked a bit of character as the coffee tone did not linger around much for its aftertaste or judging by its fragrance or scent. Milk foam was velvety and silkily smooth as it was not too thin or watery. Above average, yes. Best in town? Not quite there yet.
Latte的味道比Flat White還要淡,只因Latte會把打至綿滑的奶泡與espresso based的咖啡沖得平均點,喝上口會較似一杯奶類咖啡,多於奶和特濃咖啡分間,層次上,Carly覺得是更單一,但性情溫和點。咖啡味道都很視乎個人口味,這個較淡身的latte就不太形合Carly的口味。用Latte的水準來比,Caffe Habitu 的Latte咖啡味性情言亦算溫純,但口感上較滑,不相不仲吧。
Latte was milder in its kind, considered to be relatively flat on the texture for a cup of coffee yet some people love the stronger milk flavor and Carly has to admit that lattes are more balanced as a whole. The milky foam was well-blended with the espresso, hints of coffee bean aroma were found, not too subtle, this may be the ideal cup of latte for people who love the balanced tone of milk and coffee.
【第二次造訪 | The 2nd Visit – Filter Coffee】
As Carly was not too impressed with the flat white last time, she paid another visit to try out their filter coffee. As she have previously tried out another popular little coffee shop in Mongkok – Knockbox coffee company, Carly knew that she was not a fan of pure coffee tasting (without sugar or milk), she picked the coffee beans from Columbia Hulia, butterscotch, brownies and lemon drop was stated on the menu, Carly had one sip, the subtle buttercream taste of butterscotch came first, very subtle of chocolate hints mixed within, and lastly a clear note of acidic lemon drop ended off the coffee tasting journey. Very interesting type of experience if you are a coffee lover, Cupping Room offers quite a few selections from floral, sweet, simple and complex. (not as many as Knockbox) and the food is definitely considered above average for cafes these days. Everything comes in a package, in one cup to be exact.
Other Info. :
* Opened only until 5pm for Sunday or 6pm for weekdays, pretty early! Only morning birds get to enjoy a cup of delicacy
* Lunch menu changes every 1 – 2 months
* No 10% service charge
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)