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今天放工的時候,行過幾個街口,諗住飲杯咖啡,平時都係去開星巴克,今次就試一間新嘅咖啡店。Although I had to stand instead of putting my ass on the seat, the experience was still fine. Here is clam.一入到去,我自己就會去照一啲平時冇乜飲開嘅咖啡,店員推介Nitro Coffee會有好濃郁嘅果香味,咁特別就試一下。Staff here recommend their famous Nitro Coffee, small coffee bean comprise rich fruity taste.呢度仲有樽裝Cold Brew,同Nitro Coffee要分開飲,如果唔係會有種Over嘅感覺,比我再揀多次嘅話,我會將朱古力配Nitro Coffee.
Although I had to stand instead of putting my ass on the seat, the experience was still fine. Here is clam.
一入到去,我自己就會去照一啲平時冇乜飲開嘅咖啡,店員推介Nitro Coffee會有好濃郁嘅果香味,咁特別就試一下。
Staff here recommend their famous Nitro Coffee, small coffee bean comprise rich fruity taste.
呢度仲有樽裝Cold Brew,同Nitro Coffee要分開飲,如果唔係會有種Over嘅感覺,比我再揀多次嘅話,我會將朱古力配Nitro Coffee.