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亞龍和阿龍咖喱的新仇舊恨, 我也算是倒背如流, 當然亞龍作為正宗的那一家, 咖喱香味更強, 味道更濃. 阿龍的則份量較多, 價錢更抵. 亞龍的老闆也是這裏的生招牌, 從第一次去的金毛大叔, 到現在他已不少白髮, 真是時光飛逝, 但他依然與通天老倌般, 由廚房走到枱面, 再去到收銀, 依然相當活躍.先說其咖喱, 辣勁強, 沒有椰汁的奶香, 甜度和香味主要是依靠大量的洋蔥碎, 咖喱香料和胡椒組合而成, 比其他的自然. 牛筋腩的牛筋和牛腩夠大件, 牛腩肉質夠稔, 筋膜大塊而彈牙, 比起其普通牛腩的碎細慷慨, 只是筋腩份量偏少, 要花一百元吃就不夠物有所值.The story of Ah Lung and Ah Long curry is one of the most arguable street in HK F&B. For me, Ah Lung is the original one with the boss is always active in kitchen and cashier. The curry there is sweet and spicy with abunda
先說其咖喱, 辣勁強, 沒有椰汁的奶香, 甜度和香味主要是依靠大量的洋蔥碎, 咖喱香料和胡椒組合而成, 比其他的自然. 牛筋腩的牛筋和牛腩夠大件, 牛腩肉質夠稔, 筋膜大塊而彈牙, 比起其普通牛腩的碎細慷慨, 只是筋腩份量偏少, 要花一百元吃就不夠物有所值.
The story of Ah Lung and Ah Long curry is one of the most arguable street in HK F&B. For me, Ah Lung is the original one with the boss is always active in kitchen and cashier. The curry there is sweet and spicy with abundant of chopped onion and black pepper, besides curry. Taste is good and the beef brisket is cooked well. However, portion is less and quite costly.