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Tuckshop by Social Club @ sai ying pun - spot to work and relax (with your pet and big group of friends)🙌🏻中西區嘅cafe都有一個特點 好靚但細!但半年前就俾我揾到間又大啲嘢又好食又係pet-friendly嘅cafe 所以上個weekend決定再去多次👧🏻ate...Bowl with sous vide chicken and quinoa salad Pancake with blueberries (with butter and maple syrup)Lobster salad with brioche bun with french friesDust til dawn RosieYin Yang ShakeratoPink lemonade👧🏻 wants to say...首先想讚一讚佢個salad bowl😻個雞胸真係諗到完全唔覺得自己食緊雞胸啲沙津菜呀車厘茄都好新鮮唔太苦太酸 pancake上面嘅生果都幾甜 幾於個lobster bagel都好抵食 加20蚊個
中西區嘅cafe都有一個特點 好靚但細!但半年前就俾我揾到間又大啲嘢又好食又係pet-friendly嘅cafe 所以上個weekend決定再去多次
Bowl with sous vide chicken and quinoa salad
Pancake with blueberries (with butter and maple syrup)
Lobster salad with brioche bun with french fries
Dust til dawn
Yin Yang Shakerato
Pink lemonade
👧🏻 wants to say...
首先想讚一讚佢個salad bowl😻個雞胸真係諗到完全唔覺得自己食緊雞胸啲沙津菜呀車厘茄都好新鮮唔太苦太酸 pancake上面嘅生果都幾甜 幾於個lobster bagel都好抵食 加20蚊個薯條都係細我叫一份薯條少少 絕對冇因為跟餐所以俾少啲你!
至於嘢飲個人認為除左pink lemonade之外其他都有改善空間喔🙌🏻 朋友話Dust til dawn有陣芝麻味 我就唔係好聞到但就飲到陣炭味(啱啱search翻真係有bamboo charcoal) Rosie都冇好大陣玫瑰味好香😻 3杯咖啡都係聞落好香但飲落淡🙈希望嚟緊個咖啡味會出啲同濃啲喇!