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Mamaday 又有新搞作!玩味十足嘅唐樓夠曬吸引 簡直係打卡聖地💕 呢間同其他兩間唔同因為呢個係cafe 只賣嘢飲同埋輕食🙈 雖然係咁,但裝飾真係非常特別 所以都會推薦你地黎😛凍美式咖啡 $37Cold Americano 個杯係咪好得意呢🤣 佢哋泳嘅咖啡豆唔會有苦酸澀味道,反而保留了芳香和細膩的口感,甚至可以嘗出一絲甘甜😋The coffee beans they’ve chosen doesn’t leave any sour or bitter aftertaste, but rather gives out a rich coffee aroma. 抹茶拿鐵 $43Matcha Latte 呢被嘅奶味好重,口感非常順滑,唔會有抹茶粉嘅顆粒感😇但如果抹茶味在出少少就更好😚This cup of latte has a higher milk to matcha ratio, so the taste of fresh milk was standing out more than matcha. The drink was very smooth and silky even
Mamaday 又有新搞作!玩味十足嘅唐樓夠曬吸引 簡直係打卡聖地💕 呢間同其他兩間唔同因為呢個係cafe 只賣嘢飲同埋輕食🙈 雖然係咁,但裝飾真係非常特別 所以都會推薦你地黎😛
凍美式咖啡 $37
Cold Americano
個杯係咪好得意呢🤣 佢哋泳嘅咖啡豆唔會有苦酸澀味道,反而保留了芳香和細膩的口感,甚至可以嘗出一絲甘甜😋
The coffee beans they’ve chosen doesn’t leave any sour or bitter aftertaste, but rather gives out a rich coffee aroma.
抹茶拿鐵 $43
Matcha Latte
This cup of latte has a higher milk to matcha ratio, so the taste of fresh milk was standing out more than matcha. The drink was very smooth and silky even though matcha powder was incorporated into