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Bacon and Mentai Cream Spaghetti with slow cooked egg 煙肉明太子忌廉意粉(配慢煮蛋) (HK$78)Pork Cutlet and Egg Don滑蛋吉列豚丼(HK$88)Rating: 4/5 ⭐ @tamagoen_hk 餐廳最出名喺佢嘅日本蛋,同其他蛋唔一樣,味道唔腥,有淡淡蛋香,好啱撈飯同麵一齊食。佢嘅明太子意粉好creamy,口味偏甜,比較喺日式西餐嘅風味。加埋芝士粉同香草喺半熟蛋上面一齊食,認真唔錯。滑蛋吉列豚丼就普通啲,但都算炸得脆口,比較特別嘅係鋪喺表面豬排上面嘅蛋係半熟嘅,會見到透明嘅蛋白。 餐湯喺蕃茄湯,好酸,未必個個鐘意,不過夏日炎炎,都幾開胃。The restaurant is famous for their eggs from Japan which don’t give the fishy smell or taste like other eggs. It is so flavourful that you should have it raw with rice and noodles. The c
Bacon and Mentai Cream Spaghetti with slow cooked egg 煙肉明太子忌廉意粉(配慢煮蛋) (HK$78)
Pork Cutlet and Egg Don滑蛋吉列豚丼(HK$88)
Rating: 4/5 ⭐ @tamagoen_hk
The restaurant is famous for their eggs from Japan which don’t give the fishy smell or taste like other eggs. It is so flavourful that you should have it raw with rice and noodles. The cream spaghetti is very creamy and sweet which is like the typical Japanese fusion dish. The layer of cheese powder and herbs on top of the slow cooked eggs simply make the spaghetti even more amazing.
The pork cutlet and egg don is ordinary but the pork cutlet is quite crispy. What draws my attention is the half cooked egg on top of the pork cutlet.
Finally the tomato soup is very sour which gives you a good appetite in summer.