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◾️今次要介紹嘅係位於觀塘嘅哈豆,主打台式小食。哈豆位於工業大廈內,喺觀塘有兩間分店,而兩間分店嘅餐牌係唔同,敬請留意。Doctor Beans is located in Kwun Tong's industrial building, specializes in Taiwanese snacks. Please be aware that there are two branches of Doctor Beans in Kwun Tong with different menus. ◽️香酥腐皮蝦仁卷 (Crispy Shrimp Roll) $32外皮酥脆,蝦仁彈牙。整體味道帶鹹,蝦仁嘅味道突出。依碟係最推薦嘅小食。The skin is crispy, while the inner part is bouncy. The overall taste is slightly salty, with an outstanding flavour of shrimp. This is our most recommended snacks.◾️山賊燒雞翅 (Grilled Chick
Doctor Beans is located in Kwun Tong's industrial building, specializes in Taiwanese snacks. Please be aware that there are two branches of Doctor Beans in Kwun Tong with different menus.
香酥腐皮蝦仁卷 (Crispy Shrimp Roll) $32
The skin is crispy, while the inner part is bouncy. The overall taste is slightly salty, with an outstanding flavour of shrimp. This is our most recommended snacks.
山賊燒雞翅 (Grilled Chicken Wings) $30
The chicken wings are seasoned with sauce and sesame, that gives a sweet and tangy flavour. The chicken wings are smooth and tender in texture, which worth a try.
清境和牛薯餅 (Wagyu Hash Browns) $22
Potatoes are mashed finely, that gives a smooth texture to the hash browns. However, the flavour of the beef is quite mild. You should expect it as an ordinary hash brown without wagyu.
麻辣丸子三兄弟 (Spicy Balls) $18
The spicy sauce is quite attractive and gamy. Among the three balls, beef ball and pork ball are more delightful.
肉燥時菜 (Vegetables with Minced Meats) $24
The minced meats sauce is diluted by the watery vegetables, that lead to a plain flavour of the minced meats.
百香果綠茶QQ (Passion Fruit Tea) $24
With less sugar, the sweetness and sourness of the passion fruit are more prominent. The bubble and coconut jelly enrich the layering of the drink.
豆漿綠茶 + 山粉圓 (Green Tea Soy Milk + Chia Seeds) $14 + $4
The flavour of green tea is quite outstanding. It tastes smoother with the soy milk.
Doctor Beans
📍Room 29, 2/F, Shing Yip Industrial Building, 19 Shing Yip Street, Kwun Tong