Restaurant: Home Feel (Jaffe Road)

To promote a new salt and sugar reduction (RSS) dietary culture and living style to the people of Hong Kong, the Environment and Ecology Bureau, the Committee on Reduction of Salt and Sugar in Food and the Centre for Food Safety of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department have launched the "Less-Salt-and-Sugar Restaurants Scheme" ("Scheme"). Restaurants participated in the Scheme will offer less salt or sugar options to the consumer or even tailor-make less salt or sugar dishes in designated restaurants. Participating restaurants will be granted with the Scheme Labels for displaying in the premises for public identification. For details, please click here: https://www.eeb.gov.hk/food/en/committees/crss/restaurants.html

2008-07-29 25 views
利舞台果間去過好幾次, 呢間都係第1次嚟.28/7 7點左右到 半滿同honey例牌order 3個餸+例湯, d野都好快嚟, 食物方面同利舞台果間差不多, 味道ok.但冷氣唔夠, 1路食住d熱野, 都好辛苦吓...(honey仲係好怕熱果隻, 辛苦+倍)今次寫食評主要想講佢地既服務勁唔得, 勁趕客~事例: 我放底筷子無耐, 但honey仲食緊, 佢無lala埋嚟收咗其中1隻碟 (但仲有餸响度), 收之前乜都唔講, 真係勁無禮貌. 食到半路又無lala上埋個甜品比我地, 雖然話唔駛$$啫, 但張枱又唔係大, 我覺得佢地好夾硬嚟囉.原來我地既經驗未算差, 最攪笑係坐我地隔離果2個女士.(聽佢地講國語, 可能係遊客)話說佢地order咗2個酸菜 (個樣好似炸菜, 用個骨碟裝住) 當前菜食啦.點知個個侍者行埋佢地張枱到, 都會將果碟酸菜當垃圾咁收起or想倒咗去, 如是者攪到佢地哭笑不得, 都唔知好嬲定好笑 (我諗佢地都有d嬲), 正當其中1個提議想話走唔食之際, d餸又嚟咗喎...睇見都等佢地無奈...總之呢間野唔會再去, 佢既趕客招數就嚟拍得住'x翠小籠包'.
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利舞台果間去過好幾次, 呢間都係第1次嚟.
28/7 7點左右到 半滿
同honey例牌order 3個餸+例湯, d野都好快嚟, 食物方面同利舞台果間差不多, 味道ok.
但冷氣唔夠, 1路食住d熱野, 都好辛苦吓...(honey仲係好怕熱果隻, 辛苦+倍)

今次寫食評主要想講佢地既服務勁唔得, 勁趕客~

事例: 我放底筷子無耐, 但honey仲食緊, 佢無lala埋嚟收咗其中1隻碟 (但仲有餸响度), 收之前乜都唔講, 真係勁無禮貌. 食到半路又無lala上埋個甜品比我地, 雖然話唔駛$$啫, 但張枱又唔係大, 我覺得佢地好夾硬嚟囉.

原來我地既經驗未算差, 最攪笑係坐我地隔離果2個女士.(聽佢地講國語, 可能係遊客)
話說佢地order咗2個酸菜 (個樣好似炸菜, 用個骨碟裝住) 當前菜食啦.
點知個個侍者行埋佢地張枱到, 都會將果碟酸菜當垃圾咁收起or想倒咗去, 如是者攪到佢地哭笑不得, 都唔知好嬲定好笑 (我諗佢地都有d嬲), 正當其中1個提議想話走唔食之際, d餸又嚟咗喎...睇見都等佢地無奈...

總之呢間野唔會再去, 佢既趕客招數就嚟拍得住'x翠小籠包'.
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Spending Per Head
$100 (Dinner)