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唔想去M記但又唔捨得俾百幾蚊去高級餐廳食漢堡?雖然 @burgerlabhk 只係一間公司既位於佐敦嘅小店,但質素絕對比得上啲西餐廳架😎 店鋪裡面只係有兩行嘅吧檯座位比客人堂食,所以好多人都選擇外賣返屋企慢慢嘆🥡 佢地開左六年左右,所有餐點都係即叫即製,而且大部份醬汁都係自家製,有一定嘅質素保證🙌🏼 Burger Lab in Jordan has been opened for around 6 years, and they specialise in handmade burgers made to order, alongside a range of their house-made sauces. 經典牛肉漢堡 $60The Classic兩塊鬆軟嘅漢堡包中間夾左特選美國牛肉漢堡扒、番茄、生菜、美式芝士同埋自製燒烤醬,食材相當豐富😍 厚厚嘅漢堡扒好Juicy,肉味濃郁,同溶左嘅芝士一齊食鹹香味十足🧀 我自己再額外加左個煎蛋 $10,流心蛋漿混合於牛肉脂香中令我越食越上癮👅 佢地亦有提供手套同濕紙巾,咁就可以大大啖咁食,唔洗驚食到好狼狽🤣This burger has a t
Burger Lab in Jordan has been opened for around 6 years, and they specialise in handmade burgers made to order, alongside a range of their house-made sauces.
經典牛肉漢堡 $60
The Classic
兩塊鬆軟嘅漢堡包中間夾左特選美國牛肉漢堡扒、番茄、生菜、美式芝士同埋自製燒烤醬,食材相當豐富😍 厚厚嘅漢堡扒好Juicy,肉味濃郁,同溶左嘅芝士一齊食鹹香味十足🧀 我自己再額外加左個煎蛋 $10,流心蛋漿混合於牛肉脂香中令我越食越上癮👅 佢地亦有提供手套同濕紙巾,咁就可以大大啖咁食,唔洗驚食到好狼狽🤣
This burger has a thick slice of American beef patty, tomatoes, lettuce, American cheese and barbecue sauce. The patty was so moist and savoury especially with the melted cheese. I also added an extra fried egg to spice up the umami-ness of the burger.
烤豬頸肉漢堡 $63
Grilled Pork Burger
呢個配搭嘅漢堡真係我第一次試👏🏼 豬頸肉嘅肉質嫩滑爽口,烤到有啲焦香味🔥 中間仲有塊差唔多1寸厚嘅烤菠蘿,咬落去會爆汁,令整個漢堡嘅口感同感覺更濕潤同清新🍍 最特別一定係佢地嘅沙嗲沙律醬,鹹中帶酸嘅口味有助降低油膩感,唔經唔覺就KO曬成個包😜
The pork jowl slices were tender with a crisp and caramelised outer layer. The 1 inch thick pineapple was so juicy, and it went well with the salty and sour satay mayo sauce.
見到轉套餐都只係要 +$25就可以要埋馬鈴薯條同一罐飲品😎 即炸嘅薯條入口熱辣辣!,口感外脆內軟,唔會炸到油淋淋👍🏼 點入芝士醬 $5 變得好濃郁惹味,好邪惡呀🍟
I upgraded one of my meals to a combo, which came with French Fries and a drink. The French fries was also made to order, so it was extra crispy. And of course I had to get their thick and gooey cheese sauce too!