Restaurant: MAXIM'S PALACE (Telford Plaza 1)

To encourage eatery outlets to reduce food waste at source together with customers through offering portioned meals and adopting food waste reduction measures, the Environmental Protection Department has launched the “Food Wise Eateries” Scheme. Participants will be awarded with a Food Wise Eateries (FWE) accreditation status if they comply with the assessment criteria and will be granted with the FWE Logo and Stickers for displaying in the premises and their promotion for public identification. Applications are accepted all year round and are FREE of charge.

For details, please click here, https://www.wastereduction.gov.hk/zh-hk/waste-reduction-programme/food-wise-hong-kong-campaign

Restaurant: MAXIM'S PALACE (Telford Plaza 1)

To promote a new salt and sugar reduction (RSS) dietary culture and living style to the people of Hong Kong, the Environment and Ecology Bureau, the Committee on Reduction of Salt and Sugar in Food and the Centre for Food Safety of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department have launched the "Less-Salt-and-Sugar Restaurants Scheme" ("Scheme"). Restaurants participated in the Scheme will offer less salt or sugar options to the consumer or even tailor-make less salt or sugar dishes in designated restaurants. Participating restaurants will be granted with the Scheme Labels for displaying in the premises for public identification. For details, please click here: https://www.eeb.gov.hk/food/en/committees/crss/restaurants.html

2008-10-28 64 views
經朋友介紹話今年美心嘅大閘蟹幾得, 咁啱約左朋友黎德福食飯, 就試下佢啦. 見個套餐208都食得過, 就叫呢個餐啦. 咁當然作為蟹痴, 就梗係要加個蟹粉釀炸蟹箝同追加蟹粉小籠包啦. 先來每人半隻桂花燒乳鴒, 桂花味全無, 甜甜地幾ok, 好在隻鴒都燒得幾嫩, 不至於難食. 係我地享用緊乳鴒嘅同時, 個雞茸燕窩羹預備上枱, 最奇怪就係連個薑茶蕃薯糖水都同時間出現, 你話係咪激死呀? 同佢講左d野可以慢慢上, 基本上有改善, 不過佢都係唔夠半個鐘頭d野就已經到齊, 我地都由得佢, 食唔切就叫佢搵個蓋"及"住先. 雞茸燕窩羹好大碗, 食得出好多雞茸, 不過就偏咸. 再黎個雪菜毛豆蝦仁豆腐, 呢個好好味, 雪菜嘅濃味配上毛豆, 蝦仁同豆腐, 好滋味, 加上好爽嘅蝦仁同好滑嘅豆腐. yummy. 蟹粉釀炸蟹箝係今晚最失色嘅, 唔係話佢唔好食, 鮮炸嘅蟹箝一定好食, 只係我地俾佢個名 誤導左, 以為有幾多蟹粉釀左係蟹箝度, 唉, 點知原來蟹粉係得好少好少, 少到幾乎食左都唔知. 蟹粉小籠包一般, 皮唔太厚都可取嘅. 個餐重點係有一隻五兩半嘅蟹, 平心而論, 呢隻蟹不單係份量十足, 仲要係好高質素
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經朋友介紹話今年美心嘅大閘蟹幾得, 咁啱約左朋友黎德福食飯, 就試下佢啦.

見個套餐208都食得過, 就叫呢個餐啦. 咁當然作為蟹痴, 就梗係要加個蟹粉釀炸蟹箝同追加蟹粉小籠包啦. 先來每人半隻桂花燒乳鴒, 桂花味全無, 甜甜地幾ok, 好在隻鴒都燒得幾嫩, 不至於難食. 係我地享用緊乳鴒嘅同時, 個雞茸燕窩羹預備上枱, 最奇怪就係連個薑茶蕃薯糖水都同時間出現, 你話係咪激死呀?

同佢講左d野可以慢慢上, 基本上有改善, 不過佢都係唔夠半個鐘頭d野就已經到齊, 我地都由得佢, 食唔切就叫佢搵個蓋"及"住先. 雞茸燕窩羹好大碗, 食得出好多雞茸, 不過就偏咸. 再黎個雪菜毛豆蝦仁豆腐, 呢個好好味, 雪菜嘅濃味配上毛豆, 蝦仁同豆腐, 好滋味, 加上好爽嘅蝦仁同好滑嘅豆腐. yummy.

蟹粉釀炸蟹箝係今晚最失色嘅, 唔係話佢唔好食, 鮮炸嘅蟹箝一定好食, 只係我地俾佢個名 誤導左, 以為有幾多蟹粉釀左係蟹箝度, 唉, 點知原來蟹粉係得好少好少, 少到幾乎食左都唔知. 蟹粉小籠包一般, 皮唔太厚都可取嘅.

個餐重點係有一隻五兩半嘅蟹, 平心而論, 呢隻蟹不單係份量十足, 仲要係好高質素, 同其他貴成倍嘅餐, 單計隻蟹, 呢度贏晒. 隻蟹多羔得黎, 肉又鮮甜, 個人俾滿分.

一早出現左俾我地打番轉頭嘅薑茶蕃薯糖水都好味, 清清地. 最後黎左杯驅寒嘅薑茶, 好味到攪到我地要添飲.
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Spending Per Head
$300 (Dinner)
Recommended Dishes
  • 雪菜毛豆蝦仁豆腐
  • 大閘蟹
  • 薑茶