Restaurant: Home Feel (Jaffe Road)

To promote a new salt and sugar reduction (RSS) dietary culture and living style to the people of Hong Kong, the Environment and Ecology Bureau, the Committee on Reduction of Salt and Sugar in Food and the Centre for Food Safety of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department have launched the "Less-Salt-and-Sugar Restaurants Scheme" ("Scheme"). Restaurants participated in the Scheme will offer less salt or sugar options to the consumer or even tailor-make less salt or sugar dishes in designated restaurants. Participating restaurants will be granted with the Scheme Labels for displaying in the premises for public identification. For details, please click here: https://www.eeb.gov.hk/food/en/committees/crss/restaurants.html

2009-09-01 62 views
我之前都幫襯過住家菜, 覺得佢D食物水準OK, 但上星期同個FD去食LUNCH, 我真係十分十分之失望.失望唔係因為佢的食物水準差, 而係佢的服務態度勁差!我同我FD坐低後叫左肥牛同魚, 之後有兩個女人坐在我們隔離, 同樣點了這兩種菜. 之後有waiter 走來同我講, 魚賣晒, 要change 第二樣菜. 我fd 問張單係咪我地, 個waiter 話係的, but 我地覺得有d怪,佢冇叫o個兩個女人change菜,於是問個waiter, 佢話kitchen 跟單的次序整,又咩又咩, 咁我話why 遅order的人有魚, 我地冇? 我問左佢幾次, “咁係咪你地錯?” 個waiter 死都冇認係佢地錯, 又唔同我地換番碟魚, 只係不停duplicate話”kitchen跟單的次序整..冇魚俾我地….”一輪廢話.我同我fd 勁嬲. 佢D 態度不知所謂. 最後我地碟魚俾左o個兩個中女食左,我地只係有碟cheap 菜當保償, 平息唔到我地的怒氣.
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我之前都幫襯過住家菜, 覺得佢D食物水準OK, 但上星期同個FD去食LUNCH, 我真係十分十分之失望.
失望唔係因為佢的食物水準差, 而係佢的服務態度勁差!
我同我FD坐低後叫左肥牛同魚, 之後有兩個女人坐在我們隔離, 同樣點了這兩種菜. 之後有waiter 走來同我講, 魚賣晒, 要change 第二樣菜. 我fd 問張單係咪我地, 個waiter 話係的, but 我地覺得有d怪,佢冇叫o個兩個女人change菜,於是問個waiter, 佢話kitchen 跟單的次序整,又咩又咩, 咁我話why 遅order的人有魚, 我地冇? 我問左佢幾次, “咁係咪你地錯?” 個waiter 死都冇認係佢地錯, 又唔同我地換番碟魚, 只係不停duplicate話”kitchen跟單的次序整..冇魚俾我地….”一輪廢話.我同我fd 勁嬲. 佢D 態度不知所謂. 最後我地碟魚俾左o個兩個中女食左,我地只係有碟cheap 菜當保償, 平息唔到我地的怒氣.

(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Date of Visit
Spending Per Head
$48 (Lunch)