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以我呢啲肥人都唔係太鍾意食菜同食素, 但係 呢間有啲唔同啲嘢一般都很好食. 嗰日冇影相所以畀唔到你哋睇但係叫咗 7 dishes 全部都係 above average. 我唔知個拼盤叫乜但係有一半我覺得很好食 或者我真係好少食素所以唔知應該味道是如何. 最好笑竟然食得飽我哋四位 仲要食唔曬賣單止係八百幾蚊算係幾抵食. 我幾鍾意食佢個茄子, 炒麵裏面有菇. 如果嚟講200蚊一位都算係幾抵有機會可以試試If you are a vegan can come try. Quite interesting as i think its worth the price which i think its quite cheap compared to other places. Just Book at openrice
我唔知個拼盤叫乜但係有一半我覺得很好食 或者我真係好少食素所以唔知應該味道是如何. 最好笑竟然食得飽我哋四位 仲要食唔曬賣單止係八百幾蚊算係幾抵食.
我幾鍾意食佢個茄子, 炒麵裏面有菇. 如果嚟講200蚊一位都算係幾抵有機會可以試試
If you are a vegan can come try. Quite interesting as i think its worth the price which i think its quite cheap compared to other places. Just Book at openrice