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1️⃣「朱古力蛋糕🍫($85) 」-呢款朱古力味好濃!有超級多朱古力粒同埋蛋糕睇入邊有朱古力漿 綿密同濕潤度唔錯 建議加熱食用🤤~The chocolate cake is rich in chocolate taste with lots of chocolate chips and melted chocolate inside! The cake is quite moist.-2️⃣「阿里山原味🍰($70)」-呢個比較重蛋香味 睇佢超級黃色就知🤣濕潤度冇上一個咁高~The Alisan original cake is relatively rich in egg flavour. It can tell from its yellow color. However, it is not as moist as the chocolate cake.-⚠️:儲存係雪櫃兩至三日都仍然好食 can be stored in the fridge for 2-3 days
呢款朱古力味好濃!有超級多朱古力粒同埋蛋糕睇入邊有朱古力漿 綿密同濕潤度唔錯 建議加熱食用🤤~The chocolate cake is rich in chocolate taste with lots of chocolate chips and melted chocolate inside! The cake is quite moist.
呢個比較重蛋香味 睇佢超級黃色就知🤣濕潤度冇上一個咁高~The Alisan original cake is relatively rich in egg flavour. It can tell from its yellow color. However, it is not as moist as the chocolate cake.
⚠️:儲存係雪櫃兩至三日都仍然好食 can be stored in the fridge for 2-3 days