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秒到日本>培茶雪糕加上培茶氣泡酒,真係一流嘅享受。 🍵 🍦Roasted Japanese Tea Ice cream plus Roasted Japanese Sparkling Tea.喺中環搵到一間好有日式味道嘅茶道館。店主Justin 好熱情地講簡佢地雪糕既茶係係日本選擇過,唔係你係街邊搵得到。個雪糕真係好好味,食落香濃既炒茶味,如果你合上眼去感受個雪糕,就真係覺得好似飲緊炒茶一樣。喜歡既可以配上培茶氣泡茶。用香檳杯飲成件事高級左好多。😃 Such interesting Japanese cafe located in Central. I love their Roasted Japanese Tea Ice cream. All you need to do is to close your eyes and feel the taste of the roasted, the smell of tea, and little bitterness. I have it goes with the Roasted Japanese Sparkling Tea, it i
喺中環搵到一間好有日式味道嘅茶道館。店主Justin 好熱情地講簡佢地雪糕既茶係係日本選擇過,唔係你係街邊搵得到。個雪糕真係好好味,食落香濃既炒茶味,如果你合上眼去感受個雪糕,就真係覺得好似飲緊炒茶一樣。喜歡既可以配上培茶氣泡茶。用香檳杯飲成件事高級左好多。😃 Such interesting Japanese cafe located in Central. I love their Roasted Japanese Tea Ice cream. All you need to do is to close your eyes and feel the taste of the roasted, the smell of tea, and little bitterness. I have it goes with the Roasted Japanese Sparkling Tea, it is a total set and interesting mix and match.
佢地定期仲有搞茶道班,茶道冥想班,適合一眾身心靈既朋友仔。They do tea meditation as well, it suits all who love to explore the universe.