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今晚去食日本野🇯🇵-清酒雜菌蠔鍋的清湯底有淡淡的酒香,蠔肉滑嫩,與各種菌菇(如雞髀菇,金針菇等)相搭配。如果係冬天的天氣,能帶來溫暖和滿足感。加入好多時令蔬菜,會更添風味與營養。-炸吉列生蠔外皮酥脆,裡面的蠔肉鮮嫩多汁,口感對比鮮明。-燒雞皮外酥內嫩,香氣四溢,油脂適中,吃起來非常過癮。-燒雞棒肉質鮮嫩,經過炭火燒烤後,外層略帶焦香,內部卻保持多汁。-三文魚伴意食醋意食醋的酸度適中,能很好地突顯三文魚的鮮味,口感清新。-明太子玉子燒-芝士名太子帶子串我同朋友飲左青檸梳打🍋🟩荔枝乳酸梳打。Tonight we go to Japanese restaurant.-Sake Oysters 🦪 Hot PotThe clear broth has a subtle aroma of sake, and the oysters 🦪 are tender and juicy. They pair well with various mushrooms (like chicken thigh mushrooms and enoki mushrooms). In winter, it bring
Tonight we go to Japanese restaurant.
-Sake Oysters 🦪 Hot Pot
The clear broth has a subtle aroma of sake, and the oysters 🦪 are tender and juicy. They pair well with various mushrooms (like chicken thigh mushrooms and enoki mushrooms). In winter, it brings warmth and satisfaction. Adding seasonal vegetables enhances flavor and nutrition.
- Fried 🦪
The outer layer is crispy, while the oyster meat inside is fresh and juicy, creating a delightful contrast in texture.
-Grilled Chicken Skin
Crispy on the outside and tender inside, it is aromatic and has just the right amount of fat, making it very enjoyable.
-Grilled Chicken Skewers
The meat is fresh and tender, with a slightly charred exterior from grilling over charcoal, while remaining juicy inside.
-Salmon with Balsamic Vinegar
The moderate acidity of the vinegar accentuates the freshness of the salmon, providing a refreshing taste.
-Mentai Tamagoyaki
-Cheese Mentai Scallop Skewers
I had a Lime Soda🍋 and a Lychee Lactic Yoghurt Soda with my friends.