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近排好多朋友都去左泰國旅行,忙到癲嘅我就唯有食下泰國菜黎頂癮🥲 今日喺尖沙嘴經過開左差唔多6年嘅「小清邁」,見到門面擺左兩隻泰式公仔,雪櫃裡面有各式各樣嘅小食同甜品,忍唔住買啲返屋企試下🥰 佢地嘅老細同埋員工全部都係泰國人,而且大部分香料同食材都來自泰國,保證你食到正宗嘅風味🇹🇭 This takeaway shop in TST offers traditional Thai cuisines, guaranteed by chef and workers who came from Thailand. 無骨海南雞飯 $62Boneless Hainese Chicken Rice 每次食泰國菜都一定會叫海南雞飯,今次仲要幫你去埋骨,可以食到啖啖鮮雞肉🤪 鮮嫩多汁嘅海南雞皮下脂肪分佈均勻,肉味濃郁🐔 同埋香氣四溢嘅黃姜雞油飯一齊食簡直係絕配🍚 如果俾埋三色醬應該更惹味😉The hainese chicken was tender with the perfect fat ratio. The essence of it flowed within the yellow rice, a
This takeaway shop in TST offers traditional Thai cuisines, guaranteed by chef and workers who came from Thailand.
無骨海南雞飯 $62
Boneless Hainese Chicken Rice
每次食泰國菜都一定會叫海南雞飯,今次仲要幫你去埋骨,可以食到啖啖鮮雞肉🤪 鮮嫩多汁嘅海南雞皮下脂肪分佈均勻,肉味濃郁🐔 同埋香氣四溢嘅黃姜雞油飯一齊食簡直係絕配🍚 如果俾埋三色醬應該更惹味😉
The hainese chicken was tender with the perfect fat ratio. The essence of it flowed within the yellow rice, and it was so satisfying to get both of them in one bite.
炒金邊粉 $78
Fried Noodle
呢道菜老闆果然無推介錯👍🏼 金邊粉炒得夠乾身,鑊氣十足🔥 每條麵都掛滿泰式醬汁,甜中帶酸越食越開胃🤤 上面加左芽菜同花生碎粒增加口感,令人回味無窮👅
This was recommended to me by their boss. The fried noodles had the “wok hay” that I wanted, and the sauce was sweet and spicy, topped with sprouts and crunchy peanuts.
油酥餅 $35
Fried Pancake
呢個係傳統嘅泰國街邊小食,見到佢地係即叫即煎架✌🏼 酥餅油煎至雙面金黃,中間保持到好似酥皮般嘅層次感,好香麵粉味之餘又無乜油膩嘅感覺,點咖哩應該會幾正🥘
They fried it fresh to order, with the outside being crispy and inside staying flakey and airy.
椰汁西米糕 $24
Coconut Sago Pudding
呢個經典嘅甜品用左斑蘭葉包住除左靚之外,仲可以令中間嘅椰汁糕帶有陣陣班蘭香🌿 用粟粉煮成嘅椰漿口感特別軟滑,配上西米露的Q彈混搭出香濃不膩的口感🥥
The coconut milk has thickened up into a melty pudding, with sago balls and corn to elevate the texture.