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Hongkie Noddy:Greyhound就座落於ifc嘅中庭, 格局非常開揚, 係本開放形式, 好處係空間感好大 , 蕹商場融為一體。壞處係如果你坐出d,個個等緊位同上落電梯嘅人都會睇住你食嘢。本人就十分喜歡呢個格局喇, 同餐廳嘅食物一樣好modern!提一提大家去greyhound食飯一定要訂位, 我星期三去都見到有條8-10人嘅龍! 訂咗位都等咗10分鐘先有得入坐。Gwailo Gui:IFC is one of my favorite malls, regardless of its location, the awesome restaurant choices made come very often for dining. Greyhound is definitely one of them. It is recommended to make a reservation even if it’s just a weekday night, otherwise you will probably end up queuing outside, look at the
Greyhound就座落於ifc嘅中庭, 格局非常開揚, 係本開放形式, 好處係空間感好大 , 蕹商場融為一體。壞處係如果你坐出d,個個等緊位同上落電梯嘅人都會睇住你食嘢。本人就十分喜歡呢個格局喇, 同餐廳嘅食物一樣好modern!
提一提大家去greyhound食飯一定要訂位, 我星期三去都見到有條8-10人嘅龍! 訂咗位都等咗10分鐘先有得入坐。
IFC is one of my favorite malls, regardless of its location, the awesome restaurant choices made come very often for dining. Greyhound is definitely one of them. It is recommended to make a reservation even if it’s just a weekday night, otherwise you will probably end up queuing outside, look at the others eating in the semi open restaurant while you wait.
生蝦刺生係賣飛佛,每次去泰國都會喪食嘅,連個泰文名(gung chae laam pla)我都背埋,方便點菜!不過greyhound就無生蝦刺生喇,只有更特別嘅”生蝦刺生醬三文魚”。個汁少少辣加上青檸嘅酸味超開胃,加上小蒜片同薄薄嘅三文魚刺生,一次過刺激你嘅味蕾!我真係好好好好好鍾意食呢個三文魚,係我每次黎都一定會叫嘅頭盤!
I love to eat the Thai style raw shrimp. This dish is creative and smart that they used salmon to replace raw shrimp. Because I know some people doesn’t like the sticky texture of raw shrimp, replacing with salmon makes it more popular. I am also a big salmon fan! This dish is a must try in greyhound!
Pad Thai is a traditional choice. The noodles are very well fried, it was neither too dry nor too wet. I love to squeeze a lot of lime and mix the noodle with the bean sprouts. There were also a generous amount of shrimp in the noodle.
This is a perfect dessert for the sweet tooth, but it was too sweet for me and the caramel completely covered the taste of the banana. The crust at the bottom was also too hard to eat.
The blue tea looks very interesting and it looks better than it tastes. I would go for the special ice lemon tea here next time.
Hongkie Noddy:
Gwailo Gui:
Grey hound is a rare fusion/ modern thai restaurant in Hong Kong. I can’t wait to go back and try all the other special dishes again.