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一如既往唔會對迪士尼嘅嘢食抱太大期望,不過造型咁得意真係好難唔買返個嚟食(՞• •՞)🧸 Duffy donut ($52)外層係朱古力糖霜,裏面其中一個以藍莓醬做內餡。朱古力外皮好厚,所以加埋藍莓嗰個就會覺得有啲太甜;質感軟熟唔油膩,比我想像中好當時因為係夏天,好快就開始融🥵 食到一半就覺得滯了ಠ_ಠ 想食嘅朋友可以喺美國小鎮大街搵到同埋 🎆煙花真係好值得睇.ᐟ.ᐟ------------------------------Flashback to my Disney memories last summer 💫 I had Duffy doughnuts ($52) and one of them is with blueberry jam as filling. Both look so cute and fancy - how could resist such beautifully made doughnuts with all the pretty toppings!I don’t expect quality given their pretty appearance,
🧸 Duffy donut ($52)
當時因為係夏天,好快就開始融🥵 食到一半就覺得滯了ಠ_ಠ 想食嘅朋友可以喺美國小鎮大街搵到
同埋 🎆煙花真係好值得睇.ᐟ.ᐟ
Flashback to my Disney memories last summer 💫 I had Duffy doughnuts ($52) and one of them is with blueberry jam as filling. Both look so cute and fancy - how could resist such beautifully made doughnuts with all the pretty toppings!
I don’t expect quality given their pretty appearance, but they are softer than I expected and very fluffy. The chocolate coating is thick so the one with blueberry jam is overly sweet for me. 🍩
If you wanna check them out, they are in the Main Street U.S.A inside the HK Disneyland! (Plus their firework show is amazing too)