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䇄立於香港太古城超過10年,家庭式經營的日本料理。Love their ramen sets, with multiple soup base and appetisers (or dons to choose from, for those who want more carbs). Got tatami seating as well as regular tables. 播住傳統日式音樂,好warm, 好有feel.The one I love the most when I first became their customer was the 奶白鯛魚湯素麵. The fish broth was ultra nice. Too bad they had discontinued that years ago. Now I love their 豬軟骨拉麵、䐁肉豬骨湯拉麵and 蕃茄茸湯蟹肉雜菜拉麵。他們的三文魚沙律卷、汁燒雞扒、什錦魚生粒飯也很好。我也很喜歡他們自家製的蜜桃茶,可熱亦可冷,飲完拉麵個湯之後,食埋個雪米糍,飲番啖,好舒服。Lunch sets 有好多選擇,
Love their ramen sets, with multiple soup base and appetisers (or dons to choose from, for those who want more carbs).
Got tatami seating as well as regular tables. 播住傳統日式音樂,好warm, 好有feel.
The one I love the most when I first became their customer was the 奶白鯛魚湯素麵. The fish broth was ultra nice. Too bad they had discontinued that years ago.
Now I love their 豬軟骨拉麵、䐁肉豬骨湯拉麵and 蕃茄茸湯蟹肉雜菜拉麵。他們的三文魚沙律卷、汁燒雞扒、什錦魚生粒飯也很好。
Lunch sets 有好多選擇,埋單人均消費都係百零蚊. 埋單時喺cashier 隔離有個多啦A夢嘅擺設,你可以㩒掣令佢跳舞,好開心!
I always come back every now and then.