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7.5/10 plates emptied!MAMA SAN是巴厘島著名餐廳老闆兼大廚Will Meyrick精心締造的主打印尼菜、巴東菜但隱含著整個東南亞特色(俗稱泛亞)的美食精品餐廳。Will是國際聞名的街頭美食大廚,周遊亞洲各國的他曾無數次收到不同地方女性交給他的傳統食譜從而獲得很多地道的烹飪知識和文化。MAMA SAN名字的來源也代表著東南亞各地長久以來經歷的新舊飲食理念碰撞——正如亞洲男權唯尊的俱樂部裡總有一個媽媽桑總管一切一樣。也許也同時反映了亞洲女性地位不高,卻深遠地影響了當地飲食潮流走向的事實。MAMA SAN came all the way from Bali, led by the very charismatic chef, Will Meyrick, who has extensive culinary experience from Sydney to London and all across South East Asia; Carly not only felt the passion and joy dining at MAMA SAN, but a
[Written by Gobay in Chinese, Carly in English]
MAMA SAN是巴厘島著名餐廳老闆兼大廚Will Meyrick精心締造的主打印尼菜、巴東菜但隱含著整個東南亞特色(俗稱泛亞)的美食精品餐廳。Will是國際聞名的街頭美食大廚,周遊亞洲各國的他曾無數次收到不同地方女性交給他的傳統食譜從而獲得很多地道的烹飪知識和文化。
MAMA SAN came all the way from Bali, led by the very charismatic chef, Will Meyrick, who has extensive culinary experience from Sydney to London and all across South East Asia; Carly not only felt the passion and joy dining at MAMA SAN, but also quickly realized that it requires creativity, passion and drive for excellence. Carly found Chef Meyrick exceptionally charismatic as she read through his journals on his trips around Bali, Vietnam, Burma, and Madura – his interest in street food showcased how the chef is down-to-earth, happily adventurous who appreciates local culture and habitats, aiming to discover and preserve exotic ways of cooking. Chef Meyrick hopes to capture your hearts by offering the living, breathing and hearty city culture on the table, with a splash and dash of authenticity wrapped in glamor.
《Lunch Set》
Spot on pork belly! Slow cooked till the fat turned succulent juicy, melts in your mouth, with the pork belly dissolving on your palate, crispy on the edges, and mildly sweet seasoned with a caramel glazed skin, we can have one whole plate of this, the pork belly was the REASON why the Gang will come back to MAMA SAN. Fenugreek leaves, wonderful Indian plant commonly used amongst Andhra Brahmin households; goes perfectly well with a simple yellow curry base.
The chicken bits were chopped into bits and stir fried with some very pleasant holy basil, these widely spread basils are proven to be stress relievers, Carly was amazed of how caring MAMA SAN’s menu was to one’s health and mood. The basil leaves tasted rather earthy yet mild in its way, diners who do not fancy heavy exotic spices can certainly opt for this relatively simple and light meal. The fried egg was not so runny, a bit overcooked, jasmine rice was not too pronounced in the pandan-like nutty flavor. This would have been good if only the daikon chicken broth was not so salty.
雞肉切成碎粒夾著新鮮嘎拋(或叫甲拋即Holy Basil),是典型的泰國菜。嘎拋是比泰式羅勒辣和香的泰國常用香草。泰國嘎拋和前道菜提及的南印香細葉都是對身體很有好處的香辛料。嘎拋在印度也很出名,叫Tulsi,食用或製成茶包飲用可以減壓和抗老化;香細葉Methi則有降膽固醇、降血糖血脂和增強免疫力等功效。雖然太陽蛋不太「糖心」,但我們還是覺得雞肉碎拌香米飯挺美味。至於蘿蔔雞湯就太鹹,原本看到菜單上用「Daikon」即「大根」,日本叫法,湯就會好似日本菜一樣清淡為主,誰知剛好相反!不過,主角夠好,配角我們可以省略不計。
Never thought sweet potatoes would go well with the yellow/red curry combo! Carly found this curry to be sweeter as the mushy sweet potatoes, shallots and peanuts gave a more nutty touch rather than coconut based flavor to it. Highlight goes to the velvety, tender, flavorsome salmon chunks from the salad, well-seasoned with fish sauce, cooked just on the spot, pink to its core.
Vegetarian choice! Beetroot salad was rather appetizing and healthy chunks , the green curry was relatively spicy compared to other curry combos.
Ambrosial scent was bursting with flavors as it was served in that hot claypot! Snapper meat was firm and some caramelized ones had relatively hard edges, nonetheless, crunchy in general. Shredded green mango adding a sweet touch, they went a bit heavy on the basil and black pepper, undoubtedly, will need a bowl of rice to go with the thick sauce.
【Stir fry pork neck with Bamboo ginger green peppercorns and holy basil | 竹筍青胡椒炒豬頸肉 | HKD198】
Ginger green peppercorns were refreshingly spicy compared to black peppercorns that are often used in western dishes. The pork neck was not overcooked but some did taste coarse on the palate, the abundant portions of holy basil will certainly overwhelm you if you aren't a fan of it.
這味豬頸肉對比其他幾款菜式沒什麼特別之處,儘管運用了比黑胡椒辣度低然而新鮮清香的青胡椒,但豬頸肉稍嫌鈍糙的口感加上與之不是很搭配的過量的Holy basil,整個菜頓時被我們拋「豬」「嘴」後。
Chili jam was indeed pretty heaty and the chicken was softer and more tender compared to the stir fry pork neck we had. Galangal is a rhizome of plants in the ginger family, for culinary and medical uses originated from Indonesia which makes this another healthy dish served at MAMA SAN.
Dendeng refers to thinly sliced dried meat, more condensed in meaty taste, preserved through mixture of sugar and spice, skillfully evalates the intense flavors of the juicy, delectable short rib beef. As a die-hard fan of Ho Lee Fook, Carly had to admit that this was so darn good, consider this as par with Chef Jowett's renowned wagyu short ribs. Kaffir lime added extra pinch of acidity and fragrance o tone down the overall saltiness and sweetness, this dish was one to return for, Carly's stomach is growling thinking about those soft, tender beef ribs!
Mama San's Chai Tea was crowd-pleasingly impressive as the natural tea aroma was very mind-soothing and exquisite in the subtle herbs fragrance, not very strong on the nose but then with a drop of syrup, the sensational tea is well-balanced and refreshing to pair with southeast cuisine. The staff said that they spent up to a day to brew these herbs tea, not going to lie but this was sooooo good. Carly has always been a huge fan of Chai tea, this unique blend from MAMA SAN satisfied all her cravings!
Desserts are all additional HKD30 during lunch time, it’s so worth it! Don’t miss out on these!
Kampung, defined as village in Malaysia. Snickers – globally spread nougat topped with caramel and peanut, enrobed in milk chocolate kind of chocolate bar. Carly loved this chilled peanut butter parfait, ultra-smooth creamy, the nutty flavors were mind blobbing as the rich buttery aroma was not cloying sweet and rather scrumptious!
Best dessert in the house! Summery, refreshing, and indulging as the top layer of icy citrusy lime jelly went so perfectly well with the panna cotta, bursting in energizing lemongrass scent, the bouncy jelly and creamy panna cotta was the best combo ever. Better yet, the lime sorbet was considerably sour and pungent but very decent and icy in a nice way.
See how did MAMA SAN do a traditional dessert dish? Sticky rice with mango and condensed coconut milk, Carly used to cook purple glutinous rice pudding very often when she studied abroad, just coz it was easy and very filling, healthy too? (just don't add too much crystalized sugar or coconut milk ) but what does it do if there weren’t enough condensed milk? Coconut milk, with the right consistency and tad sweetened, complemented with the slightly chewy and soft black sticky rice. Mangoes, freshly sliced, not something you want to miss in a black sticky rice dessert.
12 hungry customers, left with happy stuffed tummies. Aside from Chef Jason Atherton, think Carly has spotted another favorite, Chef Will Meyrick, will you amaze us more?
Other Info. :
* Lunch sets are must-try!
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)