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今次要介紹嘅餐廳係位於跑馬地嘅座銀,係大阪過江龍嘅拉麵店,主打雞白湯拉麵和沾麵。店內吧枱或者一般座位可供選擇。我哋當日去嘅時間尚早,所以就唔需要排隊。總結而言,座銀係我哋喺香港食過最好食嘅雞白湯沾麵同拉麵 ,即使價錢較進取,我哋仍然覺得值得一試,我哋亦會再次到訪。餐廳都有提供圍裙同埋濕紙巾,著恤衫去都唔需要擔心。兩款麵都好吸引好好食,但我哋認為沾麵更勝一籌。Zagin is located in Happy Valley, and is a ramen restaurant that originated from Japan Osaka. Zagin is well-known for its chicken soba. As we visited quite early on that day, so there're plenty of seats. To conclude, Zagin is the best chicken soba we have had so far. Although the pricing is relatively higher than the a
Zagin is located in Happy Valley, and is a ramen restaurant that originated from Japan Osaka. Zagin is well-known for its chicken soba. As we visited quite early on that day, so there're plenty of seats. To conclude, Zagin is the best chicken soba we have had so far. Although the pricing is relatively higher than the average ramen, we still agree that it is worthwhile to have a try. They will provide you with aprons, so you don't have to worry about wearing a suit. Among the two, we prefer the tsukemen more.
雞白湯拉麵 (Chicken Soba) $138
雞湯用咗泡沫咖啡嘅打泡方法,令到佢有一層層嘅泡沫,飲落真係比較 Creamy 同滑,富有濃郁嘅雞味,相對豚骨拉麵冇咁膩。叉燒同雞肉都處理得好好,肥瘦均勻且肉質嫩滑,一旁點綴嘅牛蒡亦都炸得好香脆。
They intentionally create a layer of foaming on top of the chicken soup, to give a creamy and smooth texture to the chicken broth. The chicken broth tastes rich, and will not taste as greasy as tonkotsu ramen. The barbecued pork and chicken have an adequate level of fat, that gives a tender texture. The burdock on top is extremely crispy.
雞白湯沾麵 (Chicken Tsukemen) $148
The broth of tsukemen is even richer than the ramen one, and the soba itself has a springy texture that can fully absorb the chicken flavour of the chicken broth. Although the chicken in the broth is tougher than the ramen one, after considering the quality of the chicken broth, we still agree that the tsukemen performs better in overall.
煙燻玉子 (Smoked Japanese Egg) $15
The flavour is not as outstanding as we expected. We don't think it is worthwhile to try at this price. We would prefer to try the fried chicken in our next visit.
Zagin Soba
📍G/F, 13A King Kwong Street, Happy Valley