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俠女無獨有偶,俠男俠女同告肚瀉!兩人只好選些簡單輕食作晚餐。要數銅鑼灣區內最常光顧的食肆,便算文輝墨魚丸大王了,俠女從小吃到大,自然想帶俠男一試。麵店從來坐無虛席,加上近年國內自由行紛紛來港購物,店子生意愈做愈旺,幸好還能保持食物質素。至於價錢嘛……卻是步步高昇呢。我們叫了兩碗河粉:紫菜墨丸河和紫菜墨丸太子墨河,另加腐乳通菜。本來還想叫小食,不過俠男怕河粉分量太大,吃不下。河粉來了,一如以往的滿滿一大碗。墨丸彈牙鮮美(不像x海牌般有豬肉味),絕對不負「墨魚丸大王」之美名。太子墨是BB墨魚,小小的很可愛,口感軟軟的。紫菜定要叫,不然河粉會太清淡,雖說要理好腸胃,也不能太刻薄自己吧!俠男俠女都愛吃通菜,這一碟很好味!「吃清一些,是為了下一餐作準備」。為食二人組不日出動!HeroSuddenly felt ill and did not have much appetite after several diarrheas in a single day, thus we had decided to go for something light when I was dating Adora
我們叫了兩碗河粉:紫菜墨丸河和紫菜墨丸太子墨河,另加腐乳通菜。本來還想叫小食,不過俠男怕河粉分量太大,吃不下。河粉來了,一如以往的滿滿一大碗。墨丸彈牙鮮美(不像x海牌般有豬肉味),絕對不負「墨魚丸大王」之美名。太子墨是BB墨魚,小小的很可愛,口感軟軟的。紫菜定要叫,不然河粉會太清淡,雖說要理好腸胃,也不能太刻薄自己吧! 俠男俠女都愛吃通菜,這一碟很好味!
「吃清一些,是為了下一餐作準備」。為食二人組不日出動! Hero
Suddenly felt ill and did not have much appetite after several diarrheas in a single day, thus we had decided to go for something light when I was dating Adorable in Causeway Bay.
Noodles are one of the choices and Adorable told me there was one restaurant famous for its cuttlefish balls especially among Mainland Chinese nationals. Well, let’s go for it.
The shop is crowded as we arrived (Its Causeway Bay, you know! ) but we managed to get a seat as staff here are used to such large crowd of people in the shop. After, sitting down and I decided to pick the famous 1) Cuttlefish balls and seaweed ho-fun and Adorable decided to pick 2) Cuttlefish balls with baby cuttlefish ho-fun. Then, we also ordered seasoned vegetables (Tung choi in fermented bean curd) to go with the noodles. Noodles came very fast and the cuttlefish balls are very tangy so that’s why the restaurant is called “The cuttlefish ball king”. Adorable’s bowl has baby cuttlefish and it tastes very soft in the mouth. The noodles come with seaweed and it is good for two people whose health is not really good at the moment.
Tung choi is very good as we both love tung choi in fermented bean curd. Good food is just as simple as that: “Health and simple”