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長洲除咗大粒魚蛋😙仲有靚cafe嘆下啡ga!☕️炭燒朱古力冰滴咖啡 $48Chocolate Ice Dripped Coffee為了嚐到濃郁的朱古力味道 他們選用特濃的朱古力沖調🍫🥛咖啡豆也是選用深烘焙 炭燒咖啡豆🤤個人覺得如果你口味是怕苦澀的話 選擇炭燒朱古力味是很不錯的選擇🤗朱古力味中和了咖啡的苦澀 但又沒有搶了咖啡的香味和甘味!檸檬蜂蜜冰滴咖啡 $48Honey Lemon Ice Dripped Coffee 如果想要更清爽口味 味道不太heavy的話檸檬蜂蜜冰滴咖啡🍋也是不錯的選擇😎檸檬配以蜂蜜沖調的冰滴咖啡☕️酸酸甜甜 絕對是開胃之選!If you are not interested in the bitter taste of coffee, you can choose Chocolate Ice Dripped Coffee!!👍 The rich chocolate make the ice dripped coffee a little bit more sweetness, and that also doesn't cover the original bit
炭燒朱古力冰滴咖啡 $48
Chocolate Ice Dripped Coffee
為了嚐到濃郁的朱古力味道 他們選用特濃的朱古力沖調🍫🥛
咖啡豆也是選用深烘焙 炭燒咖啡豆🤤
個人覺得如果你口味是怕苦澀的話 選擇炭燒朱古力味是很不錯的選擇🤗朱古力味中和了咖啡的苦澀 但又沒有搶了咖啡的香味和甘味!
檸檬蜂蜜冰滴咖啡 $48
Honey Lemon Ice Dripped Coffee
如果想要更清爽口味 味道不太heavy的話
檸檬蜂蜜冰滴咖啡🍋也是不錯的選擇😎檸檬配以蜂蜜沖調的冰滴咖啡☕️酸酸甜甜 絕對是開胃之選!
If you are not interested in the bitter taste of coffee, you can choose Chocolate Ice Dripped Coffee!!👍 The rich chocolate make the ice dripped coffee a little bit more sweetness, and that also doesn't cover the original bitter taste of coffee☕️👍🙈
If you want to have more appetizer choices, how about the Honey Lemon Ice Dripped Coffee🎉✨? The sweetness of honey and the sour taste of 🍋 lemon which is the perfect match for the ice dripped coffee!👍