Restaurant: PEKING GARDEN (Cityplaza)

To encourage eatery outlets to reduce food waste at source together with customers through offering portioned meals and adopting food waste reduction measures, the Environmental Protection Department has launched the “Food Wise Eateries” Scheme. Participants will be awarded with a Food Wise Eateries (FWE) accreditation status if they comply with the assessment criteria and will be granted with the FWE Logo and Stickers for displaying in the premises and their promotion for public identification. Applications are accepted all year round and are FREE of charge.

For details, please click here, https://www.wastereduction.gov.hk/zh-hk/waste-reduction-programme/food-wise-hong-kong-campaign

Restaurant: PEKING GARDEN (Cityplaza)

To promote a new salt and sugar reduction (RSS) dietary culture and living style to the people of Hong Kong, the Environment and Ecology Bureau, the Committee on Reduction of Salt and Sugar in Food and the Centre for Food Safety of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department have launched the "Less-Salt-and-Sugar Restaurants Scheme" ("Scheme"). Restaurants participated in the Scheme will offer less salt or sugar options to the consumer or even tailor-make less salt or sugar dishes in designated restaurants. Participating restaurants will be granted with the Scheme Labels for displaying in the premises for public identification. For details, please click here: https://www.eeb.gov.hk/food/en/committees/crss/restaurants.html

2008-06-02 51 views
今日同肥舅父一家人去左飲下午茶, 雖然偏向叫d飯,麪,包果d飽肚野但每樣都好好味! 始終北方人都係食包餃麪多, 北京樓嘅水準都幾好*飯麪方面, 我地叫左什錦炒飯 (x1, 細佬落呵打*), 炸醬麪 (x1) 同嫩雞燴麪 (x3)~最值得推介嘅係嫩雞燴麪, 佢嘅湯底好清, 冇味精, 好正* 麪線都好夠焾身, 仲有好多雞肉粒同菜粒, 感覺好rich!~炸醬麪係周大少點嘅~ 係撈麪黎嘅d麪同嫩雞燴麪果種有d唔同, 比較粗同扁, 暖暖地, 仲有青瓜絲~ 都幾特別架不過就咸左d!~ 炒飯就冇咩特別啦不過都唔錯架*點心方面, 我地叫左奶湯鮮竹卷, 菜肉雲吞, 北平餃子,叉燒包, 狗不理包同蝦多士~奶湯鮮竹卷嘅湯係奶白色嘅~ 鮮竹卷嘅餡有蝦, 一d蔬菜同唔太多肉, 比起一般平嘅成舊豬肉好好多~菜肉雲吞嘅皮薄餡多, 肉汁好鮮甜, 但本人就覺得一葉家嘅宋家雲吞更值得推介喇*至於北平餃子我個人就覺得冇咩特別, 同一般嘅北方餃子不相伯仲~ 呢度嘅蝦多士同平時食開一件件果d幾大分別架, 佢有一塊薄薄嘅方包墊底, 上面就有足足成吋厚嘅蝦膠!!! 出奇地佢塊麪包食落去又唔會太油膩, 完全冇食油渣嘅感覺, 所以值得
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今日同肥舅父一家人去左飲下午茶, 雖然偏向叫d飯,麪,包果d飽肚野但每樣都好好味! 始終北方人都係食包餃麪多, 北京樓嘅水準都幾好*

飯麪方面, 我地叫左什錦炒飯 (x1, 細佬落呵打*), 炸醬麪 (x1) 同嫩雞燴麪 (x3)~

最值得推介嘅係嫩雞燴麪, 佢嘅湯底好清, 冇味精, 好正* 麪線都好夠焾身, 仲有好多雞肉粒同菜粒, 感覺好rich!~

炸醬麪係周大少點嘅~ 係撈麪黎嘅d麪同嫩雞燴麪果種有d唔同, 比較粗同扁, 暖暖地, 仲有青瓜絲~ 都幾特別架不過就咸左d!~ 炒飯就冇咩特別啦不過都唔錯架*

點心方面, 我地叫左奶湯鮮竹卷, 菜肉雲吞, 北平餃子,叉燒包, 狗不理包同蝦多士~

奶湯鮮竹卷嘅湯係奶白色嘅~ 鮮竹卷嘅餡有蝦, 一d蔬菜同唔太多肉, 比起一般平嘅成舊豬肉好好多~

菜肉雲吞嘅皮薄餡多, 肉汁好鮮甜, 但本人就覺得一葉家嘅宋家雲吞更值得推介喇*

至於北平餃子我個人就覺得冇咩特別, 同一般嘅北方餃子不相伯仲~

呢度嘅蝦多士同平時食開一件件果d幾大分別架, 佢有一塊薄薄嘅方包墊底, 上面就有足足成吋厚嘅蝦膠!!! 出奇地佢塊麪包食落去又唔會太油膩, 完全冇食油渣嘅感覺, 所以值得一讚*

呢餐真係非常之飽滿~ 下次有機會嘅話等我請阿爸阿媽黎呢度試下先*
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Recommended Dishes
  • 嫩雞燴麪
  • 炸醬麪
  • 蝦多士
  • 奶湯鮮竹卷