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放假冇嘢做去咗Ikea 鯊鯊包 $7鯊鯊包造型十分之可愛,令人唔捨得食,今次攞上手感覺唔係好熱,出面陣麵包比較煙韌,入面嘅蕃薯蓉甜但係唔會膩。藍黃新地 $10食落去嘅軟雪糕口感比較綿密同埋creamy,藍色係波子汽水味,黃色係蜜桃熱情果味。爆谷 $12爆谷食落去微鹹,甜到十足,又有著焦糖香味,食落去有層次感,當然16蚊就買到一大包,係非常抵食㗎。I went to Ikea on vacation and had nothing to do Shark Shark Bread $7Shark shark bun is very cute, we don't want to eat it, this time we got it, it feels not so hot, the bread is tougher, the sweet potato paste is sweet but not greasy.Blue & Yellow $10The soft ice-cream that you eat is denser and creamy, the blue is the flav
鯊鯊包 $7
藍黃新地 $10
爆谷 $12
I went to Ikea on vacation and had nothing to do
Shark Shark Bread $7
Shark shark bun is very cute, we don't want to eat it, this time we got it, it feels not so hot, the bread is tougher, the sweet potato paste is sweet but not greasy.
Blue & Yellow $10
The soft ice-cream that you eat is denser and creamy, the blue is the flavor of the soda and the yellow is the flavor of peach passion fruit.
Popcorn $16
It's slightly salty, sweet, caramel flavor, and it's very delicious.