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一入去, 會俾一張電腦card 你, record 你o左D 乜, 食完先一次過俾錢~大蝦Angel's Hair ($58) - 幾好味, 不過未隔清水, 有D 水汪汪, 蝦無味~刺身定食($65) - 即切刺身, 有salmon and tuna, salmon ok, tuna正D~印度串燒沙嗲羊肉($28/ 6 串) - 夠羶!! 幾好味~ 不過係煎o既~Large watermelon juice (forgot the price)Mango Cheesecake (something like that, don't know the price) - 好重cheese 味~~ 有台灣芒果粒鋪面, 伴以blueberry and strawberry~埋單$203~ 抵呀!! ^O^
大蝦Angel's Hair ($58) - 幾好味, 不過未隔清水, 有D 水汪汪, 蝦無味~
刺身定食($65) - 即切刺身, 有salmon and tuna, salmon ok, tuna正D~
印度串燒沙嗲羊肉($28/ 6 串) - 夠羶!! 幾好味~ 不過係煎o既~
Large watermelon juice (forgot the price)
Mango Cheesecake (something like that, don't know the price) - 好重cheese 味~~ 有台灣芒果粒鋪面, 伴以blueberry and strawberry~
埋單$203~ 抵呀!! ^O^