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首先我坐入去嗰陣時個爐壞,所以就叫個女經理幫我哋換臺然後就佢突然間發脾氣。我記得嗰陣時都唔係繁忙時間唔知點解要嬲。雖然啲食物幾ok 但都係唔會再返 🙄😑😑Worst customer service especially the manager. I asked to change the table cuz the stove was broken but she got very angry instead and kept us waiting for so long until she change the stove. I remember asking her very politely on top of that it was not busy at all. I did enjoy the food but the overall ambience wasn’t great at all.🙄🫤🫤
雖然啲食物幾ok 但都係唔會再返 🙄😑😑
Worst customer service especially the manager. I asked to change the table cuz the stove was broken but she got very angry instead and kept us waiting for so long until she change the stove. I remember asking her very politely on top of that it was not busy at all. I did enjoy the food but the overall ambience wasn’t great at all.🙄🫤🫤