Ethiopian Aricha coffee - made using Aeropress Method.- I have been away from Hong Kong for almost half a year already,  but upon hearing that Rob from Protein by Dunne/Frankowski from the UK is now in town to consult for the new opening of MANO,  I was here within a few days of arriving back to HK because I seriously missed good coffees and especially from London.- Mano is apparently opened by a Korean investor group and they will slowly ramp up their menu offerings and in the mean time,  are o
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Ethiopian Aricha coffee - made using Aeropress Method.

- I have been away from Hong Kong for almost half a year already,  but upon hearing that Rob from Protein by Dunne/Frankowski from the UK is now in town to consult for the new opening of MANO,  I was here within a few days of arriving back to HK because I seriously missed good coffees and especially from London.

- Mano is apparently opened by a Korean investor group and they will slowly ramp up their menu offerings and in the mean time,  are offering pastry items baked in house and they look decent enough.

- I understand that Rob the barista trainer will not be stationed here permanently,  but he is so knowleagable about coffees and will be training other Baristas to be capable and perfoming the job...  After talking to him a couple of times (I have visited here 3 times so far and will be back),  I really enjoyed talking to him and listening to his approach to coffee and how he can remain totally objective to his opinions about the cupping results.   For example I did hear that he does not 100% believe in the mathematically measured TDS extraction (Total Dissolved Solids) as the most accurate indication of how a coffee will end up tasting - afterall,  it is the tongue and human factor in the end which shall determine how successful the final cup becomes.  Add on top of that,  if you have tried a certain coffee bean at an elite level before,  you can instantly relate the other cups to that expectation level.  Why rely on only the maths data?

- Actually I am equally surprised that in the two Espresso or Milk Coffee Bean blends,  some washed Indian Arabica beans were thrown into the mix.  Totally not very 'connoisseur' level coffees but guess what?   There is nothing wrong with this approach to me.   On 1 hand the real coffee enthuasists believe in fruitier coffees,  but on the normal scale,  normal citizens just wants some pleasant caffeine fix with a good aroma and body!  (Even if I belong to the former group but hey,  we have all been there!   Each to their own !!)  

- I ordered an Aeropressed Yirgacheffe Aricha.  This was so aromatic and almost Geisha like wild fruity and wreaking havoc on your senses,  probably because it's Dry Processed as well.  But it was clean,  it had an apricotty sweetness note and surprinsingly a black tea like finish and tannin dryness.  It arrived being a murkier type of filtered/aeropress coffee which brought out more of it's fruitier characters.   A later visit saw this same coffee bean being extracted slightly more restrained and it finally opened up later when it cooled.   I still think the 1st cupping version was more representative of this particular coffee bean though..  It is easy enough to criticize a coffee but at the end of the day there are so many variables involved!  Personal preferences,  theories,  actual performance,  date of roasted beans,  equipment,  etc.  At the end of the day I have had one of the best coffees I have encountered in town.   It didn't quite follow up with the other cups afterwards but the purpose of this post?   Is because I don't really believe in the Baristas adjusting to suit for the customers' needs.  If you have a convincing story enough such as my 1st cup of the Yirgacheffe Aricha here,  it will impress everyone with it's performance,  even including those who already work here and shared my coffee.   We are here to lead and convince,  not to be dragged behind just because a few customers didn't know that coffees are actually fruits.  Somewhere in-between,  I think we have some sort of information gap but which I believe can be bridged if we can convey accurately.. 
 *Oops this photo is submitted on an wrong angle.  According to my computer it's orientated right but I cannot fix it when uploading to Openrice.
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
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