
Cafe Marco
Restaurant: Cafe Marco

To encourage eatery outlets to reduce food waste at source together with customers through offering portioned meals and adopting food waste reduction measures, the Environmental Protection Department has launched the “Food Wise Eateries” Scheme. Participants will be awarded with a Food Wise Eateries (FWE) accreditation status if they comply with the assessment criteria and will be granted with the FWE Logo and Stickers for displaying in the premises and their promotion for public identification. Applications are accepted all year round and are FREE of charge.

For details, please click here, https://www.wastereduction.gov.hk/zh-hk/waste-reduction-programme/food-wise-hong-kong-campaign

2023-09-13 1853 views
MARCO POLO 超級一流, 有讚冇彈,   好過MIRA HK, 雖同價BUFFET LUNCH, 但質素真係差得太遠 ! MARCO POLO 有8,9成滿座, 而MIRA只得4成滿座 !!多款好味 ! 我一定會再去 !! 可惜10月要做CANCER手術, 慘 ! 休養好後會再食MARCO POLO 自助餐 ! MIRA HK水準要降級, MARCO POLO要再升級!MARCO POLO BUFFET連男女老幼都啱食 ! 食物數不盡 ! 食物不太硬, 適中 !  不過 chicken and fish 要少油 !食物有: 秋葵, fish fillet, steamed fish, chicken have 4 kinds, white congee, chicken congee, fried rice and vermicelli, 4 kinds of veg., Misc. salads 盤, sweet corn, macaroni salad, indian rice and 薄餅, 西式 pizza, broccoli soup, beef steak, 燒肉,
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MARCO POLO 超級一流, 有讚冇彈,   好過MIRA HK, 雖同價BUFFET LUNCH, 但質素真係差得太遠 ! MARCO POLO 有8,9成滿座, 而MIRA只得4成滿座 !!
多款好味 ! 我一定會再去 !! 可惜10月要做CANCER手術, 慘 ! 休養好後會再食MARCO POLO 自助餐 ! MIRA HK水準要降級, MARCO POLO要再升級!
MARCO POLO BUFFET連男女老幼都啱食 ! 食物數不盡 ! 食物不太硬, 適中 !  不過 chicken and fish 要少油 !
食物有: 秋葵, fish fillet, steamed fish, chicken have 4 kinds, white congee, chicken congee, fried rice and vermicelli, 4 kinds of veg., Misc. salads 盤, sweet corn, macaroni salad, indian rice and 薄餅, 西式 pizza, broccoli soup, beef steak, 燒肉, 燒鴨, 羊扒, 中式點心(如牛肉,燒賣 等等....), dumplings, smoked salmon, sushi and Misc. seafood, 日本麥麵, 中式粉麵, 豬腳薑(老人啱食), 綠豆沙. 重有其他食物, 但本人忘記了 !   總之夠客人吃到不願走 ! 
甜品有:朱古力噴泉, 幾款CAKES(如 椰子kiwi cake, mango cake, mix. fruits cake with cream,   chocolate cake, raspberry cake, etc. ),  Misc. Macaroon / Macaron), 燉蛋, 各式水果(如西瓜, 木瓜等),  重有....... 本人忘記了 !
這一餐 物超所值, 有賺 !!   
Other Info. : All food needs to cook with less oil !
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Date of Visit