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Seriously I’m an earl grey monster hunting down every earl grey item I could. This cake shop had previously launched some earl grey goodies like earl grey molten egg tart and earl grey mochi BUT I DID NOT GET THE CHANCE TO HAVE IT coz it’s all sold out every time I got there.But today I was lucky enough to bump into this earl grey mochiI was like you got to be kidding me!!!!It was so good, like the outer layer mochi was soft yet chewy, and it was sprinkled with earl grey powder, which made the t
But today I was lucky enough to bump into this earl grey mochiI was like you got to be kidding me!!!!
It was so good, like the outer layer mochi was soft yet chewy, and it was sprinkled with earl grey powder, which made the tea flavor more intense. And the earl grey custard inside was just heavenly, giving a strong taste of citric-like earl grey, and I LOVE ITall earl grey monster should go get one!