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多💓 首先講講炸魚薯條,厚身的魚柳,驚喜的是薯條慢慢的薯仔香,稍稍遜色的是沒有快餐店的脆爽🍃雖然是油炸物,但吃完沒有十分油膩的感覺,可以再戰🎈 重點想推薦Victoria Sandwich🎊🎊 第一次在英國吃Victoria cake便一試難忘,所以今次對呢個蛋糕有很大期望~ M&S的 Victoria Cake 比較實身,中間夾心Cream味淡果醬味重,整體味道是好吃的,想過口癮的可以一試!而且$32真的一點都不貴,很可以💯——————My fav M&S has launched a cafe in Taikoo!!! woohoooo, the CP value is unexpectedly high!✅✅ the fish & chips - thick in size, surprised by the chips 🍟 crispy + sufficient potato flavour + non-oily😋 then i wanna highlight the victoria sandwich🦋 have previously tried in UK and am r
My fav M&S has launched a cafe in Taikoo!!! woohoooo, the CP value is unexpectedly high!✅✅ the fish & chips - thick in size, surprised by the chips 🍟 crispy + sufficient potato flavour + non-oily😋 then i wanna highlight the victoria sandwich🦋 have previously tried in UK and am really impressed, so i do have huge expectation this time! luckily it doesnt disappoint me, the cake is thick w/ strong sense of strawberry jam, it’d be even better if the cream has bigger portion, but overall, its highly recommended🥳 $32 is very acceptable compared to the large scale cake shops, so you might consider give it a try🎂