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7.5/10 plates emptied With the wave of anticipation from the celebrated chef Olivier Elzer, left L’Atelier de Joël Robuchon and Pierre Restaurant with highly acclaimed recognition, it was our pleasure to have spent a nice afternoon with delighted afternoon tea sets under summery and green vibrant ambience. Certainly the lighter upbeat vibe here was indeed very different from enjoying a piece of cake under the silvery shining decor and royal classic decor at traditional hotel cake shops or cafe
The color of the jelly does not look too appealing, with that flat shrimp lying on the top, yet the flavor was decent as the avocado creaminess and taste enhanced the seafood taste of the prawns, not so much of the lobsters.
It took me quite some time to figure out what was this and by the time I took a bite, it was one little cube that unwraps the Caesar chicken salad flavor that explodes in your palate, was quite an interesting presentation.
Liked the tartlet for its crispy crust without being too heavily buttery, the smoked salmon makes up a fine savory snack to start off the afternoon tea set!
King crab brioche 帝王蟹配法式麵包
Brioche was exceptionally light and fluffy and I did wanted more for that king crab mayo filling as it was very fingerlicking! By the time, I enjoyed this little bun, I realized how all the snacks/pastries were in bite-size packed in the Seasons wooden box of delights. Such a nice setting for all the ladies that enjoys desserts and without having to be worried about their dining etiquettes.
我不知道為甚麼那麼多下午茶地方都會用鴨肝作咸點的一種,感覺比較高檔?誠然,不是很多地方能成功把鴨肝,鵝肝這一類較濃味的食品與傳統甜點crossover。之前在Godiva的2014 Chef Selection吃過鵝肝macaron不甚討好,這個有濃濃鴨肝味的焦糖布甸也一樣,肝臟類的食品還是用來做咸點比較適宜。
Noticed how high tier afternoon tea places often choose foie gras as one of the ingredients to crossover with savory snacks but so far, none of the places have nailed it by successfully combining foie gras with traditional desserts. Foie gras has this exceptionally rich and strong flavor that is hard to blend in with sugary elements, I would very much prefer to have pan fried foie gras alone during dinner.
哇,我是有點驚訝這鬆餅乾到有點嚇人。友人吃了一口已經吃不下去,我勉強用果醬才可以吃掉一個鬆餅。這個一定要改善吧,就連Passion by Gerard Dubois一間有名的cafe做這個更出色,這乾到吃不下去的鬆餅是絕對不能夠接受啦。果醬的味道還可以,不太甜,有淡淡梨果的清香與甜度。
This was an utter disappointment, the scones were so dry that my friend couldn’t even finish one and I barely gobbled one down with much jam and cream. It was not buttery or crumbly good, it was just simply DRY and hard as well.
Was delightfully surprised by the mini fig tart, more like a bite-size biscuit. The fig seeds gave a rather stunning palate experience with that slight natural sweetness and crispy butter biscuit.
Strawberry jelly with white chocolate crème 草莓啫喱配白朱古力忌廉
Loved the creaminess, milky texture of the white chocolate creme, without being overly sweet and was slightly lighter than a regular rich chocolate mousse. So here goes to my favorite, the strawberry jelly gave the dessert a fruity sweet kick that echoes with the whole seasonal summery theme of Seasons.
Chestnut mousse was smooth yet flavor-wise not profoundly good. The presentation took it away with that little decor on top, adding that fancy note to a traditional Mont Blanc.
Even though this was not as good as the chocolate delights I had at the Godiva 2014 Chef Inspirations selection, this chocolate marquise did quite hit the note with the rich chocolate tone, without adding too much sugar but with the right mixture of cocoa powder and cream.
Lemon cupcake 檸檬迷你蛋糕
The bright, sunny yellow lemon cupcake made the whole wooden box really colorful!
Airy puff and eclair as expected with that milk chocolate decor on the top which overwhelmed the dessert a bit since the milk chocolate was a bit too sweet.
我會回來吃下午茶嗎?大概不會,味道上是還可以的,卻沒有甚麼驚喜。其實是被那乾到吃不下去的鬆餅嚇倒,但勝在環境開明,有足夠自然陽光,坐戶外就更加不錯。HKD430,二人份量,比一般酒店級的下午茶便宜一點,但口味上還是覺得InterContinental 與Four Season的甜點好吃很多。喜歡一口一蛋糕的女仕們,應該會很喜歡Seasons的田園木盒吧。