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萬聖節快到了,大家想好了買甚麼去慶祝這個嘩鬼節呢? 未有idea的不妨買些cupcakes吧,又可以應節,又可以用來配配酒,實在不錯的。Face 變種骷髏骨 $30Orange Infused Buttercream on a Moist Chocolate Cupcake topped with Marshmallow and Chocolate ButtonGhost 趣緻小鬼 $30Fluffy Vanilla Cream Cheese on a Light Vanilla Cupcake with Chocolate SauceBran 掉落的腦袋 $30Strawberry Infused Buttercream on a Classic Red Velvet topped with Strawberry Puree一向覺得這裡的cupcake味道不錯,甜度亦適中,而蛋糕的質感亦很軟綿中帶濕潤;而萬聖節系列中,我最喜歡的掉落的腦袋,那蛋糕很軟,而頂習的Strawberry Puree酸酸的,特別美味。除了萬聖節系列外,小妹還嚐了mini cupcakes,賣相精緻又美味,而且
萬聖節快到了,大家想好了買甚麼去慶祝這個嘩鬼節呢? 未有idea的不妨買些cupcakes吧,又可以應節,又可以用來配配酒,實在不錯的。
Orange Infused Buttercream on a Moist Chocolate Cupcake topped with Marshmallow and Chocolate Button
Ghost 趣緻小鬼 $30
Fluffy Vanilla Cream Cheese on a Light Vanilla Cupcake with Chocolate Sauce
Bran 掉落的腦袋 $30
Strawberry Infused Buttercream on a Classic Red Velvet topped with Strawberry Puree
一向覺得這裡的cupcake味道不錯,甜度亦適中,而蛋糕的質感亦很軟綿中帶濕潤;而萬聖節系列中,我最喜歡的掉落的腦袋,那蛋糕很軟,而頂習的Strawberry Puree酸酸的,特別美味。
美味指數: 4/5
餐廳: Twelve Cupcakes
地址: 銅鑼灣告士打道311號皇室堡地下G14號舖
電話: 2799 9260