2010-02-13 31 views
Afternoon Tea of the day, order as follow:Banana Tart - too agree with the comment downthere that it's no good the banana is a bit sour after heating and the banana paste isn't nice too. still a very big gap to compare with Zoe the banana cream tart or Awfully Choc the choco banana cake. very disappointing. the chef should really think of a way to treat this otherwise to remove it from the selection. or more and more face will be given.....Chocolat Hazelnut Tart: this is a good one. the dark
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Afternoon Tea of the day, order as follow:

Banana Tart - too agree with the comment downthere that it's no good
the banana is a bit sour after heating and the banana paste isn't nice too. still a very big gap to compare with Zoe the banana cream tart or Awfully Choc the choco banana cake. very disappointing. the chef should really think of a way to treat this otherwise to remove it from the selection. or more and more
face will be given.....
Chocolat Hazelnut Tart: this is a good one.
the dark choc on top is smooth. under it is the hazelnut paste, which i think
the sweetness is just right to balance with the dark choc. i dun agree with the below that it's like nutella (well i love nutella too!), instead,
there's tiny hazelnut pieces blended inside the paste and it gives funny texture! base of tarts (both this and the banana one) is layered:
not too hard but is crispy! (am i just the lucky one today? coz i saw ppl said the base was too hard?) on the other hand it's greasy.

the place is clean and tidy, with white tone makes ppl feel relaxed.
i love its layered tart's base.
polite smile on face.
although the tarts are not too bad, they're a bit overpriced. i would say it doesn't worth the "Zoe price" but $2-3 lower.
i'll come back (but not the banana tart anyway).
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Spending Per Head
$60 (Tea)
Recommended Dishes
  • Chocolat Hazelnut Tart