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今次要介紹嘅餐廳係位於中環嘅鮨隅,係一間日式廚師發辦餐廳。午市時段有兩個 Set,分別係Sumi Course ($1,080) 同 Seasonal Sushi Set ($680),而我哋兩個係叫咗唔同嘅 Set。 Sumi Course 相對 Seasonal Sushi Set 少咗幾貫壽司,但係相對嘅魚類會以刺身嘅形式展現,所以兩者嘅分別唔會太大。相比一般嘅廚師發辦,鮨隅較多貝類嘅壽司,亦因為如此,所使用嘅調味相對簡單,大多以青檸同鹽提味以帶出貝類嘅鮮味。以下會集中講我哋尤其欣賞嘅壽司。Sushi Sumi is located in Central, specializes in Japanese Omakase. They are offering two lunch sets, namely Sumi Course ($1,080) and Seasonal Sushi Set ($680). For the Sumi Course, it offers less sushi than the Seasonal Sushi Set, instead, the same
Sushi Sumi is located in Central, specializes in Japanese Omakase. They are offering two lunch sets, namely Sumi Course ($1,080) and Seasonal Sushi Set ($680). For the Sumi Course, it offers less sushi than the Seasonal Sushi Set, instead, the same kind of fish will be served in sashimi. Compared with other Omakase, Sushi Sumi has a wider variety of shellfish, and this is why the seasoning will be relatively simple.
Sumi Course $1,080
帆立貝 (Scallop)
The scallop is seasoned with lime and wasabi, which gives it a refreshingly sour taste. Thickly-sliced scallop tastes fresh and delicious.
墨魚 (Cuttlefish)
墨魚質感結實,卻同時帶一種 Creamy 嘅感覺,頗為特別。
The cuttlefish tastes firm and at the same time creamy, which is quite a unique one.
甜蝦 (Sweet Shrimp)
Sweet shrimps are sweet and you can feel the soft and sticky texture of it.
北寄貝 (Surf Clam)
After grilling, it brings out the flavour of the surf clam, and it tastes bouncier.
金目鯛 (Kinmedai)
Kinmedai is rich in oily fragrance while having a sweet and rich flavour
鮟鱇魚肝 (Anglerfish Liver)
The taste of anglerfish liver is relatively milder than foie gras. It has a more delicate and softer texture.
最中餅 (Monaka)
Match ice cream is wrapped with a crunchy Monaka, which gives it an elegant taste. To date, this is the best dessert we had among all Omakase restaurant, where we have ordered an additional one.
Sushi Sumi
📍Shop B, G/F, Lam’s Building, 6-10 Kau U Fong, Central