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Paisano's Pizzeria今日我哋去咗Paisano's Pizzeria食pizza。其實呢間都算幾出名,而且已經有好多人介紹咗。我哋之前都試過,只不過今次係我男朋友忽然提出要去。今次我哋係去旺角登打士廣場嗰間,我嗌咗BBQ pizza $35 ,而我男朋友嗌咗"The Godfather" pizza $40。Paisano's Pizzeria嘅特點就係有huge slices,所以分量方面都係無可置疑。味道方面食起上嚟偏鹹,其中bbq pizza仲有大部分bbq醬,所以偏向重口味。嘢飲方面我哋嗌咗芒果沙冰mango fruit ices $15。係炎熱嘅夏季,食下沙冰消暑解渴都係唔錯嘅選擇!至於週邊環境方面,因為 Paisano's Pizzeria始終係外賣自取為主,所以食飯枱唔算好多,如果係食飯高峰時期想喺餐廳嚟食有機會要等。而今次喺舖入面聽到佢一邊播住pop music,一邊又播住恆生銀行信用卡廣告,咁樣雙重夾擊下我男朋友即刻變成聽障😂,所以呢樣算係一項美中不足嘅地方。Today we went to Paisano's Pizzeria, which is q
今日我哋去咗Paisano's Pizzeria食pizza。其實呢間都算幾出名,而且已經有好多人介紹咗。我哋之前都試過,只不過今次係我男朋友忽然提出要去。今次我哋係去旺角登打士廣場嗰間,我嗌咗BBQ pizza $35 ,而我男朋友嗌咗"The Godfather" pizza $40。Paisano's Pizzeria嘅特點就係有huge slices,所以分量方面都係無可置疑。味道方面食起上嚟偏鹹,其中bbq pizza仲有大部分bbq醬,所以偏向重口味。
嘢飲方面我哋嗌咗芒果沙冰mango fruit ices $15。係炎熱嘅夏季,食下沙冰消暑解渴都係唔錯嘅選擇!
至於週邊環境方面,因為 Paisano's Pizzeria始終係外賣自取為主,所以食飯枱唔算好多,如果係食飯高峰時期想喺餐廳嚟食有機會要等。而今次喺舖入面聽到佢一邊播住pop music,一邊又播住恆生銀行信用卡廣告,咁樣雙重夾擊下我男朋友即刻變成聽障😂,所以呢樣算係一項美中不足嘅地方。
Today we went to Paisano's Pizzeria, which is quite famous and has been recommended by many people. We have tried it before, but this time my boyfriend suddenly asked to go. This time we went to Dundas Square in Mongkok, I had BBQ pizza $35 and my boyfriend had "The Godfather" pizza $40. Paisano's Pizzeria's special feature is that it has huge slices, so the quantity is undeniable. The taste is salty, and the bbq pizza has most of the bbq sauce, so it's on the heavier side.
For the drinks, we quoted mango fruit smoothies to quench the thirst in the hot summer!
As for the surroundings, since Paisano's Pizzeria is mainly a take-away restaurant, there are not many tables, so if you want to eat in the restaurant during peak hours, you may have to wait. This time, I heard pop music and Hang Seng Bank credit card advertisements playing at the same time, so my boyfriend instantly became hearing impaired 😂, so this is a shortcoming.