I enquired beforehand whether they allow 2 and half year old toddler in the Cats Tearoom. At this time, no terms and conditions and the surcharge/fine for making loud noises had been mentioned. As soon as we entered the place, the servers/receptionist was very wary of seeing a toddler and unfriendly. If I had known of the terms and conditions to remain quiet beforehand I would not have visited this place. Because, of course my kid was very excited and happy to see cats up close and she squealed
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I enquired beforehand whether they allow 2 and half year old toddler in the Cats Tearoom. At this time, no terms and conditions and the surcharge/fine for making loud noises had been mentioned. 
As soon as we entered the place, the servers/receptionist was very wary of seeing a toddler and unfriendly. If I had known of the terms and conditions to remain quiet beforehand I would not have visited this place. Because, of course my kid was very excited and happy to see cats up close and she squealed in delight, in which case, the receptionist/server gave us a big glare and a big "shussshhhhh". The food was "meh". And when we left we were slapped with a fine. And the area where we were seated was very smelly of cat's wee wee. Very unwelcoming. 
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
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