My locust friend and I have decided to go to Tai Hang after dinner specially for this newly opened dessert shop. The comments we've seen thus far are all quite positive, and the photos certainly looked tempting, so we were full of expectations when we arrived.Straight to the desserts. We've ordered a caramel egg pudding (creme caramel?), a caramel milk pudding and a hot chocolate.1) Caramel egg pudding and caramel milk puddingThe way the caramel egg pudding was the first disappointment (the c
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My locust friend and I have decided to go to Tai Hang after dinner specially for this newly opened dessert shop. The comments we've seen thus far are all quite positive, and the photos certainly looked tempting, so we were full of expectations when we arrived.

Straight to the desserts. We've ordered a caramel egg pudding (creme caramel?), a caramel milk pudding and a hot chocolate.

1) Caramel egg pudding and caramel milk pudding

The way the caramel egg pudding was the first disappointment (the caramel milk pudding as well, for that matter). When it arrived it was still in its metallic mould
. Since the mould was not in line with the decor of the shop it was quite certain that that wasn't some "special" way of serving the pudding in this shop. We could only feel that they couldn't be bothered to serve the egg pudding properly. The texture of the puddings was also peculiar -- I'd go as far as saying that it was almost like a mousse instead of a pudding.

The taste of egg was faint at best and since the pudding was served upside down (since it was still in the mould) the caramel was at the bottom of the pudding, which due to the depth of the mould was not easy to reach. To make things worse, the exposed surface of the pudding was slightly rubbery (this would likely go unnoticed had the pudding been served the right side up).

The caramel milk pudding have similar problem with its texture -- which was even more mousse-like than the egg pudding. The milk flavour was noticeable but not strong.

Please do feel free to enlighten me if there is significant difference between a caramel egg pudding and a creme caramel and that my expectations were completely misguided. In that case I shall stand corrected but nonetheless comment that the caramel egg pudding and the caramel milk pudding were disappointing and not worth the money spent.

2) Hot chocolate

The first shock for the hot chocolate came when I saw it being taking out of what looked like a microwave (!!!). The taste of the chocolate was reasonably good and one could tell that some milk has been used to prepare the drink. It is, of course, impossible and unfair to compare this chocolate with place like Vero or JPH or any of the proper chocolatiers, but for a similar price one could get a better hot chocolate (in terms of flavour and smoothness and presentation) at Habitu. The Habitu one will be much larger as well.

3) Environment

This little shop in Tai Hang was small but comfy. And the staff was reasonably nice. And the toilets were clean and tidy. Until the moment the compressor of the ice-cream or softie or whatever-making machine is turned on
, which happened twice during the time we were here. The rattling noise of that machine was so loud and deafening that we felt we were suddenly transported to the engine room of a Star Ferry. Or the AHU of a large building. Or right next to some road works. A casual check with the iPhone sound level meter has recorded over 70dB(A) at where we sat, which was unacceptable even for health and safety alone. I could not comprehend 1) why such an old, noisy machine is used and 2) why on Earth it couldn't be placed elsewhere where its noise wouldn't affect the diners and the staff.

Although the noise only lasted for around half a minute for both occasions, it completely ruined the peaceful ambience created by the decor and furnitures. The owner should really deal with this obviously solvable problem!

(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Date of Visit
Dining Method
Dine In
Spending Per Head
$42 (Last Night Supper)