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hello everyone, last week, I had made a trip back to an old favourite of mine: Hanserang to relive the taste of spicy cheese which I had once admired very much as seen from my previous review. Though this time, something feels very off..... As I got my dish, I took a bite, expecting the flavour of the spice coupled with the mozeralla to take it's full effect. But nothing happened, I only felt the tough, sticky mozeralla texture taut and stretch in my mouth. A bland taste. Not good, something is
spicy cheese chicken
I took a bite, expecting the flavour of the spice coupled with the mozeralla to take it's full effect. But nothing happened, I only felt the tough, sticky mozeralla texture taut and stretch in my mouth. A bland taste. Not good, something is definitely off today.
Maybe it was just the side, so I took another bite, focussed my full attention to my taste, to see if there is anything. A slight tingling, a small spark which fizzled out to nothing. Like pepper.
In confusion and disbelief, I took a bite of the meat instead, surely it can't have affected it...
it was then I found the answer to my problem. The meat tasted very plain, with only the slightest hint of salt and spice. Very unusual for chicken. The meat had been seasoned well enough to cover the fresh taste. If not salt nor spice,what could have caused this destruction? then I remembered the time when I accidentally added too much sugar onto my meat when cooking it. it was this nightmare again. Too much sugar into the dish has killed the traditional Korean spice which this dish were to have. As sugar is the killer of all different taste, used to give a smooth and pleasant sense to the taste after eating. Though, using it in the middle of the main course is very destructive and bad. Causing all to become bland, esprescially those with spices. DO NOT ADD SUGAR TO DISHES
Things weren't better for the other dishes. Aside from this, I also ordered a beef ribs, intrigued to try out this new dish. However, I am truly disappointed when I tasted it. A sugary stream ran through, destroying the taste like a flood to a city. This is very bad. As the beef only incurred a tough texture as it's taste. Unpleasant to it all.
beef ribs
Bearing this, I ate most of it,and went packing, disappointed at this taste.
Hanserang, if you are reading this, please lower the amount of sugar you add to each dish. I recommend not adding any sugar to any fried or grilled beef as this will ruin the taste. Plus,you already have onions to add to the sweet taste of it which is already enough.i will give you time for you to make changes, and will be back in a few months time.
customers, I advise you to ask for your grill to have less sugar on your grill. The more awareness we give, the sooner it can return it it's former glory.
thank you for reading