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After a rather full dinner in a nearby street, this time our metabolism concentrated on digesting the many noodles bowls we just ate and since we were pacing ourselves, we finally noticed that here they sell Shunde regional style Buffalo Milk dishes, after walking right past it for the nth time. A lot of original Cantonese Shunde milk dishes and desserts are made from real Buffalo milk but it cannot be found on Hong Kong side, perhaps due to logistic problems. The buffalo milk dessert we shared was definitely more gamier and reminds me of the mozzarella curds from Italy. .Steamed Buffalo Milk Custard 雙皮燉奶 - MOP 18I really liked this, slightly gamey but not overly so, and it didn’t carry that over-boiled milk protein stink that you find at most Chinese Dessert shops, when prolonged cooking over 72C turns the sweet protein into something stinky. This felt like it was bain-marie steamed at low temp. ~ 8/10.Unassuming Shop Front and no English name. There are more Shunde (順得 大良) Buffalo milk dishes served here including savoury dishes. I would be very keen to come back to re-try them on a less full day. In the meanwhile if you know of similar shops in Macau please feel free to leave me a message to explore too!!
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這間家庭式經營的薑汁撞奶、順德大良牛奶、自製薑片、陳皮和心形杏仁餅,只有這一家。亦見證著三代同堂在這間店鋪的生活。這份情已很難在香港找到。薑汁撞奶mop18; 自製薑片mop15; 陳皮mop20; 心形杏仁餅mop38/box/12塊。晚上九時打烊。
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翻開旅遊書,才得知十月初五日街這條街名,既不中又不西,當真有趣。當然可通稱為十月初五街,但正確名字應為十月初五日街。香港有一套陳年電視劇,叫「十月初五的月光」,我當年沒看,所以不大清楚是故意還是有錯,但我也覺得「十月初五的月光」,來得順口有意境。這一間位於十月初五日街的大良李禧記崩沙,沿十月初五日街一直行,就會見到一個「奶」字的燈箱,十分易認。除了跟名字一樣賣崩沙外,還有賣撞奶。崩沙興趣不大,今次來,為的是一碗撞奶。從店裡招牌估計,「崩沙」正寫應為「虫崩虫少」,但看來這個字實在係又打唔到又無人識,還是叫回崩沙算了。店子只有一位婆婆,人流不多,和一街之隔的新馬路可說是有強烈對比。在門口有一車仔,就是「廚房」,奶都是有order才在這裡即撞,新鮮程度可想而知。就連薑汁都即磨,等多一點時間絕對值得。等了約十分鐘,薑汁撞奶 (MOP$18) 來了。暖暖的撞奶杰得黎厚身,薑味好夠,飲落新鮮,不枉特地行過來吃。雖然要MOP$18,但絕對物有所值。非常喜歡這裡的環境,和婆婆的態度,能自力更生更值得人敬佩。來澳門放假就是要這樣relax,香港實在是太繁忙,下次再來澳門也絕對會黎幫襯的。
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食完"義順"之後去買手信. 點之經過見到呢間有薑汁撞奶再食多一碗. 真係比 "義順" 好 幾百倍. 至少即時撞, 夠熱又多薑汁. "義順" 那碗不冷不熱. 最怕呢d.
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