+853 88832221
Butao Ramen is a well renowned Japanese-style ramen restaurant, legendary in the noodle world. To all Ramen lovers, this is the first and only in Macau, bringing you the extraordinary Japanese Hakata ramen. Don’t miss out! continue reading
Opening Hours
11:00 - 21:00
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 21:00
*Last order: 20:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master Alipay Cash AE UnionPay JCB WeChat Pay Others
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Red King Ramen Black King Ramen Macau King Ramen
Review (5)
Level4 2023-09-01
係 Galaxy住價位唔高嘅選擇其實唔多, 又唔想食M記同翠華就揀左食呢間~之前香港食過幾好食,今次揀左櫻花蝦湯底~揀左硬麵,不過份量有點多(女仔食)! 味道就正常未到話好出色~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
🏮香港最正宗、最傳統、最令人驚喜的「豚王拉麵」🍜日本豚骨拉麵~🇯🇵「豚王」致力於滿足拉麵愛好者的口味😄,並秉持正宗而傳統的宗旨👍🏻把日本拉麵帶到世界各地~🇨🇳🇨🇦🇺🇸🇰🇷🇬🇧🇬🇳🇳🇱🇮🇹..🍴餐饮推荐:1. 豚王Butao (原味 Original): 豚王秉承了日本古代傳統造湯的方法,每天新鮮煮熬十多小時,以製成這種鮮味與香味並存的豚骨湯底!🍜 $89MOP..2. 黑王Black King (墨魚汁 Squid Flavoured): 黑王裡秘制香油味的漆黑帶光的色澤來自豚王秘傳的日本傳統黑醬,再混以當日新鮮的本地蔬菜配合而成,芬芳馥郁!🦑 $96MOP..3. 翠王Green King (西日 East-meeting-West): 純白的芝士🧀配上天然純正的橄欖油,並混合新鮮的羅勒葉等種類豐富的蔬菜🥦,與豚王的原味豚骨湯🐷出奇的配合,確實叫人驚嘆❗️ $96MOP..4. 「限定王 Limited King」🌸Sea Salt King (2018.3.1-31)‼️. $90MOP..性價比:⭐️⭐️⭐️環境:⭐️⭐️⭐️口味:⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️..🎈位置:澳門Galaxy銀河酒店地下G117(鄰近悦榕庄酒店)🕧營業時間:11:00-23:00☎️電話:(+853)8883 2221 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2017-01-21
完全唔可以同香港團王相比!雖然比起澳門好多拉麵來講已經係唔錯但係級數完全比唔上香港!豬骨湯底變咗超鹹而且容易使人口渴!麵質完全同香港食嘅唔一樣變得冇咁有口感!黑黃完全無咗個有嘅墨魚汁味!反而變咗有大量嘅蒜頭味!其他我都唔係好想講啦反正就係級數有差點解澳門冇一間可以做到近似日本追到香港嘅級數嘅日式拉麵店。唯一可以稱讚嘅就係店舖環境幾舒服冇香港嘅壓逼感而且服務態度唔錯!................. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2017-01-13
This famous ramen shop originated from Hong Kong that aims to provide most authentic and traditional Japanese Hakata ramen is finally here in Macau few months ago. It is located in the ground floor at the Promenade West of Galaxy Macau.They have 4 flavors of soup to choose from which are the Butao King (signature pork soup stock), Black King (signature pork soup stock added with specially made black sauce and black ball), Red King (signature pork soup stock added with specially made red spicy sauce and red ball) and Green King (signature pork soup stock infused with olive oil and fresh basil leaves).You will be given a piece of paper where you can cu lose the type of soup, hardness of the ramen, level of spiciness, condiments, etc. We have ordered the Butao King and Red King with additional Japanese style egg each. The soup is very flavorful and with the additional toppings of garlic and spring onion making it taste like heaven. You can choose the level of spiciness with the scale of one to ten and we have chosen level five which is perfect for us since it is not too spicy so it won't covers the original taste of the soup. Besides, the pork is very delicious too! The fats of the pork melts in my mouth the moment I put it in my mouth and the best part is you can add extra pork to your ramen! Meanwhile for the Japanese style egg, you can taste the mild taste and sweetness of the yolk once you bite into it!  continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
<<吳式飲食-澳門豚王,試齊4 大天王(豚,黑,赤,翠)>>-自家食評, 並無抄襲!早起的鳥兒有蟲吃, 今日一早起身就約好內子和一位美女10:30 在銀河「豚王」拉麺等。好在星期一,我10:35 去到排第二。之後11:10 開始已經好多人。特地坐吧枱影製作流程。我經常覺得餐廳一開始幾星期是最高質,因為一定有media 監住和要keep 囗碑。此話不假。因為:1: 湯頭好鮮,直頭飄出來,可先試豚王2: 肉無論豬腩或肩(推介)都十分重鮮豬味,肉質亦可口3:麵如果填任何質感(軟硬)都合乎所望。4:掛湯力夠5: 服務不能説十分友善但用心。豚王黑王赤王翠王燒叉燒及其製作過程這個在香港都開始退步,而澳門是keep 到。如果以平均78-88碗就真的物超所值(以澳門計)如果要我推介:你可先試豚王,再入黑( 墨魚汁但真心好滯)或赤(辣)。翠王則視乎情況因為由羅勒葉加芝士,幾清新但不是人人受得了。Ps :完全沒口乾也沒飽到不舒服。                                                綜合評價: 食物>環境>員工                                   *綜合性價比: 抵!(不代表平)超乎想像的驚喜!!*性價比1. 抵!(不代表平)超乎想像的驚喜(嘩! 無論怎樣一定要再來! 抵啊)2. Wow! 物超所值(幾好啊!唔錯,有機會一定再來)3. 正常, (可以, 但這個價錢坊間有很多選擇)4. 物次價高(都不是太差, 但這個價錢坊間有質量更好的)5. 有比較大的改善空間(填胞肚算, 失望) continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)