設計意念來自葡萄牙傳統酒窖,餐廳中央設有拱門,壁爐及舖上紅土磚,令人有置身歐洲庭園內進餐的感覺。招牌葡國菜有“葡式馬六甲咖喱蟹”、“碼燒農場走地雞”及“忌廉焗馬介休”。另外,餐廳設有貴賓室,牆身鋪以葡式瓷磚,特別適合各類型商務會議及慶祝會等。 continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
10:30 - 22:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (41)
Level2 2019-08-01
到達澳門本區的酒店安頓好之後,就去附近找地道的好東西吃,我們一心要試葡國菜😋。行了10分鐘左右,到見到這間「 葡萄園餐廳」,是澳門朋友所推介的。 瞥見餐廳外面裝潢有點平平無奇,但入到裏面就會發現 它的裝飾有點像古歐洲的建築風格,是拍照打卡的好地方😁。餐廳有條獨立樓梯上二樓,小朋友無聊時便在樓梯上上落落打發時間。我們一共點了七個餸一個飲品:炸馬介休球💯鴨飯(喜歡吃飯焦的朋友要試試)焗馬介休忌廉薯蓉💯葡汁焗四蔬💯海鮮焗飯肉醬意粉烤雞配薯條💯鮮搾西瓜汁(一大瓶)其中的炸馬介休球、焗馬介休忌廉薯蓉、葡汁焗四蔬和烤雞配薯條都是我們最喜歡吃的。馬介休球脆卜卜,小朋友簡直要爭吃🤣。薯蓉一試難忘,裏面的馬介休魚與薯仔分量分配得恰到好處,又充滿牛油和忌廉的香味😋。葡汁焗四蔬裏面的菜很入味,好像預先炒過,不是淡口只加葡汁在上面那種。烤雞全名好像是XX走地雞,忘記了,但皮脆肉嫩,這點倒沒忘記。服務員的態度亦很好,我們同行有五個小朋友,用餐方面諸多要求🙈,但她們也沒有黑臉,😃👍🏻。唯一的缺點是不算便宜,這䬸飯是三日兩夜行程中最貴的。但又不算好貴🤣,八個餐點(7餸1飲料)大約是$1100 澳門幤,有朋友覺得以食物及環境質素來說可以接受,只是做不到我心目中的慳荷包而已🤣🤣🤣。小提示:我們今次有訂位,建議有興趣的朋友也預先訂位,以免白行一趟。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
蛇王一次去澳門 啱啱嚟到中午食飯時間 諗住走入星際玩兩手 點知落鬼大雨 不如都係食飯先 上openrice見到介紹呢間餐廳 咁就一於嚟試下啦 見佢個門面都幾靚 唔知裏面點解呢一上樓梯見到個小小噴水池 又見到兩都好古典嘅柱 感覺都相當唔錯知道應該係高級餐廳 但係又開始擔心會唔會好貴一路行上樓梯入到店內 啲裝修非常之歐洲高級餐廳嘅感覺 係咪好有氣氛好靚好似歐洲嘅廚房呢跟住落嚟就開始擔心食物嘅質素 因為見到佢哋個餐牌有啲求其嘅感覺都係唔好諗咁多叫咗嘢食先叫咗最傳統嘅燒乳豬炒飯 啲燒乳豬皮脆肉嫩非常之正 啲飯又有啲雞肝配襯好香好味 208蚊雖然好似有啲貴但係我覺得物超所值 份量足夠三四日瞓所以唔好兩個人之後叫咁多另外仲叫咗個買介休炒雜菜 估唔到佢哋啲雜菜竟然唔係啲一粒粒嘅現成嘢係真係去街市買菠菜返嚟切 淨係呢點都夠誠意啦 裏面仲有好多快一舊舊嘅馬介休球 姑勿論佢嘅缺點係乜嘢 只要畀到真嘅賣介休球我已經覺得係食緊蕃 葡萄牙 菜突然間想飲杯咖啡就咁叫杯手磨咖啡飲下先 估唔到佢嚟到除咗好飲之外仲用一個咁靚嘅咖啡杯呢間餐廳服務非常之好啲嘢又好食 雖然喺正星際酒店附近可能都係招呼大陸客為主 不過竟然保持咁高水準 難能可貴佢哋啲服務員服務得非常之周到 但係有一個好奇怪嘅問題以咁樣比較高級嘅一間西餐廳同你傾計嘅時候不停叫你老細老細好似有啲奇怪 可能近得大陸多用番佢哋啲風土人情 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2019-05-05
I wanted to try Macaunese food and googled some dishes when I had WiFi at the hotel but the places I googled were too far, and so we Openrice-d some places that were closer and ended up going to this place since it was close by.After we ordered, they gave us some dinner buns which were really hard on the outside, but when I bit into it, the inside was really soft and the outside was crunchy.We also got a pitcher of some kind of wine with bits of apple and lemon in it. Tbh, I don’t like alcohol, and so I didn’t like the drink😅The first dish that came was fried potato and fish balls. Crispy on the outside, but soft inside, it had a strong potato taste but couldn’t taste the fish at all. It tasted good, but I expected to taste the fish, not only potato...The second dish was pork neck and it was delicious. It was so juicy and the sides were a bit crispy. The next dish was chicken curry. It was spicier than I expected and the piece of chicken I got had more bone than chicken 😅 The meat was on the drier side too... don’t know how the other pieces were though. The potatoes were really soft and soaked up the curry nicely. Next was the roasted baby pig with rice. The meat was so juicy because of the fat and the skin was crispy. Under it was fried rice, which was also really good.Next picture is fried potato strips and that was the best dish out of all of them 😂 The fried potato strips were thin and crunchy, but they didn’t feel very oily.We also got an eggplant in tomato sauce dish, but it was too salty for my liking.To be healthy, we added a plate of lettuce and fish (I think it was fish). The lettuce was cooked perfectly; it still had a nice crunch to it but it didn’t taste raw. It was nice trying this place with a lot of people! If I remember correctly, it wasn’t too expensive after splitting it between 7 people (~$210 per person I think). continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2017-04-17
#馬介休沙律 黎到澳門兩日、食左三餐葡國菜、今次點了葡國菜必食的馬介休,馬介休其實是用鹽醃製的鱈魚,肉質較實帶鹹香,配上清新的沙律,一鹹一淡一次放入口,味道配搭得非常好,來澳門旅遊是不可不吃的傳統菜式之一!#非洲燒雞另外點了一碟廚師推薦的非洲燒雞、燒雞一上菜就聞到好香香料味,雞皮燒得香脆而雞肉依然嫩滑,可惜的是雞肉略肥,碟底滿是雞油、隨配的薯條被沈在雞油中,索曬油同淋曬如果只係講隻雞、就真的不錯、半隻雞兩個人分、份量亦剛剛好。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2016-11-10
記得之前第一次去澳門做嘢嗰時,老闆帶我嚟呢間餐廳到食,嗰時好好奇葡國的食品,最記得就係個乳豬飯,200給蚊食碟飯老闆請,嗰時真係好感動。好耐無嚟,想回味一下個乳豬飯,上面有大概7舊乳豬,乳豬都算係暖,外皮仲脆,但係肉就唔多見,肥膏就大把,肉又乾。唔可能稱得上係葡國乳豬飯,極其量可以話係西式炒飯上面加乳豬。馬介休沙律--唔好食,一攞出嚟嘅菜見到係普通西生菜已經唔覺開胃,再另上一碟普通嘅沙津醬,唔覺有特式。葡式煮蜆--最好食就係呢個,獨有嘅葡國味道,煮出嚟嘅湯都好鮮味。唯獨蜆肉好小,唔知係咪甩唒出嚟,但係碟底又唔多見。羊架--乾得制同好瘦。薯條唔好食。。。烤豬頸肉--普通貨色,食落有d中式嘅叉燒味,但我個同事話幾好食喎。甜品木糠布甸--忌廉打得幾滑,食落去甜味剛好,拎出嚟嗰時超硬,店員建議放5分鐘到先食就剛好。食完餐飯都幾失望下,無左以前好正嗰陣味道。究竟係我嗰時唔係成日有得食所以覺得好食,定係真係拒水準差左呢。。。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)