+853 2875 8097
Opening Hours
13:00 - 18:00
Mon - Sat
13:00 - 18:00
Payment Methods
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Alcoholic Drinks
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (4)
Level3 2017-02-06
每次嚟澳門好多時經過呢度,但次次都冇開門。見佢個咁舊嘅招牌令我好有衝動要試。有一次剛關門時終於見到佢有開 有緣見 冇緣食。今前星期一嚟,終於有機會嚟幫襯。咁日去食咗個牛排午餐連湯讚:個mash potato堅好味、餐前湯都好味嘅、菲律賓姐姐service有十分sweet。嘢食前嚟得閒吹水,又主動問要唔要wifi password。彈:塊排其實quality唔差,但煮得太耐,有啲韌、啲veggie係frozen。咁樣收$100有啲貴。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2012-05-02
巴西的菜餚受葡萄牙人和非洲後裔的影響, 主食是米、 黑豆和樹薯粉, 搭配牛、雞或魚肉, 而巴西炭烤, 也是當地人喜歡的食物之一, 通常會配上豆類、米飯及蔬菜一起食用。 另外, 巴西也是世界最大的咖啡生產國, 出產的咖啡多屬於大眾口味的平價咖啡。終於遇到小鋪營業, 在過去的一段日子裏, 通常第二站就是跑來看看小鋪營業與否, 往往都失望而回今次雖然見到鋪面有掛着營業膠牌, 但是鐵閘是拉低了幾吋。 熊爸首先探頭問問是否真的在營業, 結果是positive當時老闆娘兼厨師正在與一男子傾談, 而招待熊夫妻的菲籍女侍應生就推介當天午餐是Brazilian Grilled beef with vegetables. 菲籍女侍應也有奉上餐牌, 但餐牌內只有五款選擇, 有賣得最貴的巴西國菜“Feijoada”(壹佰多元), 它是用黑豆和熏肉燉成的豐盛大餐, 也有其他$7X, $8X 的肉類及海鮮類食品。咱們還是叫午餐吧, 有湯、Brazilian Grilled beef with vegetables、飯或薯蓉, MOP$75...多謝!南瓜菜湯的質地不稀也不杰, 味道淡淡的, 南瓜味不重。Brazilian Grilled beef with vegetables and mashed potato...用新鮮薯仔來搗成蓉, 口味滑得來帶點薯粒, 牛奶落得較多所以薯蓉帶重奶香;Grilled beef夠rough, 只用鹽及胡椒調味, 牛肉全熟但不會乾韌, 算有咬口兼保留肉汁。後來叫杯奶昔來嘆吓Tropical mixed milkshake $25...內含芒果、士多啤梨、紅蘿蔔、香蕉, 全部新鮮即切即搾, 但奶味少兼質地唔杰, 真係好清涼又解渴好開心能吃到一頓好味的巴西菜 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2009-02-04
呢篇已經係積壓咗好耐嘅稿件,宜家先有時間寫番。話說當日天氣有點秋意,我一個人食晏,心諗就嚟出糧,不如食好少少。行吓行吓,都唔係好知自己行咗去邊度,响一條斜路旁邊出現一間黃色嘅餐廳,原本呢間舖頭係賣巴西菜嘅。筆者未食過巴西菜,但又知道巴西盛產食用牛,於是乎就行咗入去試吓。舖頭唔大,地下放咗三張檯,閣樓放咗幾多就唔係咁清楚,不過多極有限。我見到餐牌上做緊午餐特價套餐,而且仲係燒牛肉,於是就叫咗一客試吓。先嚟一碗濃湯。外國人飲濃湯好普遍,同中國人鍾意飲清湯唔同。呢碗濃湯係用牛肉同埋薯仔、少少蒜頭去肴嘅,味道充滿咗濃烈嘅牛肉味,係一個唔錯嘅濃湯。麵包暖烘烘,用牛油一搽即溶,有麵包香味之餘仲有牛油味,啱晒我嘅「河車」。主菜冇幾耐就奉上。燒牛扒好多肉汁,牛肉嘅特別味道好容易就可以感受到。飯加入小量蒜頭爆香,配合牛肉嘅獨特味道,相得益璋;可惜伴菜絲係苦嘅,有少少破壞咗成碟飯。食緊嘅時候,侍應無厘頭拎咗一細碗醬汁,但係有一大舊豬肉,配上黑豆去肴,齋食都幾好味,不過用嚟點牛扒就有啲怪怪地。 埋單一啲都唔貴,只係三十八蚊。我係度諗呢間餐廳細細地,最啱包場開私人派對,一面同一大班朋友一齊玩,另一方面可以享用巴西牛肉,實是一個不錯嘅構想。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
(Non-member) 2009-01-18
It's my first time in Macau, and while i was walking to the St Paul's Ruin's, I passed through the Macau souvenir snack shops, and i found that there was a small slope on the right where this brazilian restaurant was located. The shop was very small, and at first i didnt want to go there because there was some huge rubbish bin, however i saw many foreigner going in there so i thought maybe i should just take a look.when i went in, it was very small, but it felt very comfortable and the owner of the shop is actually the cook and she is from brazil, and she lived in macau for many years already!I ordered a daily menu, which costs 45 MOP, and it included a soup with bread and butter, and a main course, which was a beef main course. I could choose either to have it with rice or mash potatoes. So therefore i chose to have rice. When the plate came, it was very simple with some rice and vegetables and a huge beef. But when i tried it, the rice was very special, not just the normal white rice, but it has a very nice taste, as well as the vegetables. The beef was very juicy. There are fruit juices available and when i ordered one mango fruit juice, it tasted very fresh and was real fruit juice! The menu also includes some brazilian foods such as pork bean stew, fish items, meat items etc as well as some small snacks and daily dessert as well. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)