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星期一跟同事一行十二人到四季酒店食自助餐,入到去已經覺得好有氣勢, 從未見過咁大個甜品 corner, cold cut and hot dish corners 也是自成一角, 餐枱與餐枱隔得非常開, 第一個已很好海鮮: 長腳蟹(較鹹),大蝦, 花蟹, 扁貝, 螺 , 所有都超新鮮cold cut: very expensive parma ham, so delicious and yummy. I think there is only very few hotels in HK can provide parma ham.: six kinds of cheese. I haven't taste any. So no comment, but my friend told me they are all OK.:hot dishes:乾煎大蝦 (食咗8 隻),花旗参煲雞湯(落足料,好甜),四式芝土Pizza(一定要試, 否則走寶), : barbecue corner: beef overcook, not so good.: desert corner: 朱古力, 木糠布丁
海鮮: 長腳蟹(較鹹),大蝦, 花蟹, 扁貝, 螺 , 所有都超新鮮
cold cut: very expensive parma ham, so delicious and yummy. I think there is only very few hotels in HK can provide parma ham.
: six kinds of cheese. I haven't taste any. So no comment, but my friend told me they are all OK.
:hot dishes:乾煎大蝦 (食咗8 隻),花旗参煲雞湯(落足料,好甜),四式芝土Pizza(一定要試, 否則走寶),
: barbecue corner: beef overcook, not so good.
: desert corner: 朱古力, 木糠布丁,cheese cake assorted cakes... All you MUST try.
EXCELLENT service: 一坐低就每人先一杯欫品(可再order), 每次離座餐巾必被摺好, 仲有人幫你攞食物,