Sour and Spicy Chicken 酸辣雞

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Sour and Spicy Chicken
From Maria Submit
Chicken are seldom used in spicy and sour recipes, but this recipe proves that this combination is actually very tasty and appetizing as well.
Ingredient and Portion
Chicken 1 whole, about 2kg
ginger juice 1tbsp
minced shallots 1tbsp
shaoxing wine 1tbsp
oil 3tbsp
Hot bean sauce 1tbsp
sweet bean paste 1tbsp
Preserved beans Chili paste 1/2 tbsp (or 1tbsp if hotness is desired)
sugar 3tbsp
chekiang vinegar 4tbsp
chicken powder 1tbsp mixed with 1/2 bowl of water

To thicken:
Combine 3tsp cornstarch with 1tsp chicken powder and 3/4 cup water
Rinse chicken until clean, wipe dry and cut into pieces. Marinade with ginger juice for 15 minutes.
Combine all seasonings, mix well.
Heat oil in wok, fry shallots.
Add in chicken pieces, pour in the wine and stir fry. Add in combined seasonings and fry until combined, cover and let simmer over low heat for 15 minutes. Thicken with cornstarch solution and serve.
Omit hot bean paste if you wish the dish to be non-spicy.
After simmering for 15 minutes, if sauce turns out to be thick enough, it nis not neccessary to thicken it with cornstarch solution.
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