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為嘴刁o既大肥爸爸暖壽,小肥又豈敢求其揀間餐廳食餐普通飯呢?! 經過深思熟慮,最終決定應表弟及堂弟一致推介 ,放膽嘗試位於工廠大廈o既西餐廳「AnOther Place by David Myers」。XO仔曾經喺炮台山同天后區工作過,而且經常出入工廠大廈,對於餐店位於日本名車廠旁o既位置同四周環境都好熟識,不過真係估唔到會有老闆肯花咁多心機去改裝整層造成酒吧、餐廳、酒窖、及酒倉 。步出升降機門已被木造o既酒盒包圍住,主題極之明顯。電子門鎖身後o既接待處好似玩接力賽咁,繼續以酒樽、酒桶、酒廂、酒櫃裝飾。店主親自介紹,右手邊原來係守衛深嚴、溫度及濕度都有所監控o既酒倉 。左手邊通往其他區域o既走廊寬闊,而且機關重重,第一次行入去感覺有啲似個迷宮。第一扇門先直通酒窖,內有多枝珍藏名酒 ,真係唔講得笑!酒窖連接住酒吧及酒廊區,有齊高櫈及梳化位,輕鬆自在 。其餘o既餐廳部份就分成幾間房,大枱細枱具備。由於隔音措施做足,大派對更可隨意打通包場,自攜樂隊都無任歡迎。 主廳燈光柔和,牆上o既雀鳥飾物、天花上o既樹幹吊燈、木造o既餐桌、及桌上o既小盆栽都流露出大自然o既氣息。「AnOth
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Amuse Bouche
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Konbu cured halibut, nori jam, puffed wild rice
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Konbu cured halibut, nori jam, puffed wild rice
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Konbu cured halibut, nori jam, puffed wild rice
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Roasted Brittany diver scallops, lovage infused clam chowder, squid ink
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Roasted Brittany diver scallops, lovage infused clam chowder, squid ink
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Confit of Norwegian salmon, truffle potato gnocchi, crispy oxtail, buttered leeks, red wine beef jus
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Confit of Norwegian salmon, truffle potato gnocchi, crispy oxtail, buttered leeks, red wine beef jus
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Confit of Norwegian salmon, truffle potato gnocchi, crispy oxtail, buttered leeks, red wine beef jus
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Confit of Norwegian salmon, truffle potato gnocchi, crispy oxtail, buttered leeks, red wine beef jus
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Confit of Norwegian salmon, truffle potato gnocchi, crispy oxtail, buttered leeks, red wine beef jus
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Peppered Kagoshima wagyu strip loin, parsnip and shiso salad, jus corse
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Peppered Kagoshima wagyu strip loin, parsnip and shiso salad, jus corse
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Asian pear sorbet, prosecco granite, pomegranate gelee
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Chocolate beignets, malt ice-cream
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Chocolate beignets, malt ice-cream
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Chocolate beignets, malt ice-cream
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Chocolate beignets, malt ice-cream
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Petits Fours
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