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📸INS: Foood.ninja◾️今次要介紹嘅餐廳係位於中環嘅Oddies,佢哋除咗賣各款Gelato之外,仲有五款Gelato配雞蛋仔嘅甜品,頗有心思。Oddies is located at Central, specializes in artisan gelatos. They provide five kinds of gelatos match with an eggette.◽️Kido $69以Nutella作主調,連雞蛋仔都包裹住榛子朱古力。我哋鍾意牛奶雪糕嘅牛奶味夠重,但係認為Nutella再配上焦糖同朱古力曲奇味道太甜,而且麵團質感好奇怪,所以唔太推薦。Eggette, as well as milk gelato, are mixed with Nutella sauce. Milk gelato is riched of milk flavour. However, it is too sweet in general and the texture of the cookie dough chunks is quite weird. We do not re
Oddies is located at Central, specializes in artisan gelatos. They provide five kinds of gelatos match with an eggette.
Kido $69
Eggette, as well as milk gelato, are mixed with Nutella sauce. Milk gelato is riched of milk flavour. However, it is too sweet in general and the texture of the cookie dough chunks is quite weird. We do not recommend.
Fancy Pants $69
Eggette is mixed with cookies and cream custard. The taste of peanut butter is outstanding for the gelato. Blueberry compote gives the sour flavour, which creates a better balance for the dessert. We recommend you to try it.
The Mobs $69
The only eggette with mochi, which gives it a chewy texture. Homemade matcha ice cream is rich in mellowness, and the flavour of apple yuzu jelly is unique. Overall, we think that this is the tastiest among five eggette parfaits.
Woods $69
Cinnamon apple pie eggette brings sweetness and sourness. However, the salted caramel gelato is too salty, and it tastes strange.
Night Wolf $66
Brownie chocolate eggette brings sweetness, while passion fruit panna cotta is truly refreshing, mixed with rich fragrance crunchy flakes.
📍G/F, 45 Gough Street, Central