12:00 - 19:00
12:00 - 19:00
12:00 - 19:00
食记 (87)
等级4 2024-06-01
1164 浏览
This unknown restaurant is favoured by locals and hikers but the food is definitely worth sharing. 80% of the menu is vegetarian dishes using tofu or gluten but 10% is of chicken, pork, and beef whilst the remaining 10% is the seafood which requires preordering in advance. Started with their 粟米魚肚羹, this stew is chockfull of bouncy fish stomach and corn with bits of pork and strands of egg. A large pot was enough for 10 bowls. Their 荔茸酥卷 (taro in tofu skin roll) is so addictive. The taro is creamy and savory whilst the tofu skin is fried to crispy perfection with a shattering bite. You can dip this in a sweet a sour sauce which takes it to the next level. Another amazing vegetarian dish is their 豉油王炒麵 (soy sauce fried noodles) which is a common dish that is often executed poorly but here it is perfect. Amazing wok hei to the point where there are charred marks on noodle strands and bean sprouts. Not greasy at all but glossy with distinctive strands. Small bits of carrot for additional sweetness and crunch. A dish executed flawlessly. Their 沙薑雞 is also deceptively delicious. Crispy skin with well-cooked lean chicken meat and great seasoning. I heard the chicken is raised by the owner himself. Last but not least, I’m gonna shine a spotlight on their dessert. Homemade cashew sweet soup (糖水) or 腰果糊 which is not a common nut paste. The one here is creamy with an intense cashew flavour that inhibits sweetness and makes for a perfect ending. The kind owner also gave us some 欒樨餅 which is sorta like mugwort rice cake but made with Pluchea indica from their own garden. Filled with red bean or lotus seed paste and its a great not-too-sweet treat. This is definitely a restaurant you want to check out if you plan on going to Tai O but make sure you call them in advance at 2985 5459 to make reservations. To get here, take bus 11 from Tung Chung and get off at the Tai O stop, then walk along the red bridge until the end and you should come across this restaurant. 粟米魚肚羹紅燒豆腐煎腐皮卷沙薑雞豉油王炒麵豉油王大蝦清蒸方利腰果糊 继续阅读
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等级2 2023-03-18
2795 浏览
今日一行7人去大澳行咗一陣,見人多果便啲餐館唔係幾啱食,忽然醒起另外一邊有兩間"素菜館"一間是海韻,另一間是我地今次食的東方小祗園,祗(讀奇音)齋睇個名,以為是食素,原來都有肉食,而且鹽焗雞好出名,今次叫了6人餐,再加半隻鹽焗雞夠哂食。呢個併盆好食呢個香酥芋卷都唔錯,唔會食竽頭魚咁漏。呢個生炒骨都好食,起碼新鮮炸起,再埋酸甜獻,排骨本身還是脆身,推薦。呢半隻鹽焗雞,雖然出名,但我反而覺得呢碟係全餐最差的。, 继续阅读
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等级4 2022-07-26
4032 浏览
🔸️東方小祇園菜館 🌍中菜 📍大澳南涌9號地舖呢間齋舖唔只食齋,仲有葷菜添岩曬我要食肉既人。三個女士,點左以下菜式:🗨️ 粟米魚肚羹 $100睇相都知非常足料,絕無渣流攤,分到大約11 小碗,超值啦!🗨️ 鹽焗雞半隻 $180朋友訂位同時預訂雞,我地三個人,半隻就夠。個人覺得有啲咸,反而佢個汁(應該係沙薑汁)我十分喜愛!🗨️ 酥炸雙併(荔茸酥卷+煎腐皮卷)$112見到人人都點荔茸,梗係唔好執輸,想講真係香脆到頂點,中間夾住芋頭蓉,一啲都唔油膩,必叫!個煎腐皮卷就一般,原本以為都係非常脆,不過反而係淋淋地,應該試菠蘿卷。🗨️ 紅燒豆腐 $85豆腐滑,分量多,配搭啲菜,補充纖維本身我地仲想叫蝦醬炒飯,芋頭魚,好在點菜哥哥提醒我地會有啲多,呢4樣野食岩岩好。下次要試下芋頭魚先,朋友之前試過話好食! 继续阅读
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等级3 2022-01-24
3733 浏览
雜錦拼盤其實就是齋滷味拼盤,味道好好,可選細或大,因為實在太好味,很後悔只點了一個細的,加多一碟又怕吃不完有點浪費,最後決定下次再光顧。荔茸芋卷是當日所點的餸菜之中好味程度排行第二,炸得夠香夠鬆夠脆,芋頭和腐皮配合得天衣無縫,難怪差不多為每枱必點之選。朋友說來到大澳,何不試一試地道特產呢?所以我們點了粟米魚肚羹和蝦醬炒通菜。粟米魚肚羹的魚肚果然是不同凡響,質地彃牙且有少少啜口,口感不錯。蝦醬炒通菜用的蝦醬其鹹香味道很出眾,果然是當地土產。椒鹽豆腐的豆香味濃,跟外間吃到的很不同,據說是自家出品。最後還點了腰果露作甜品,又香又滑,不過數量有限,最好訂位時順道預訂。 继续阅读
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等级3 2021-05-02
5255 浏览
以我所知《東方小祇園》係一間食齋嘅菜館,原來大澳呢間唔只食齋咁簡單,仲有走地雞食👏👏👏首先點咗半隻薑蔥雞,好有雞味,肉質嫩滑,必選菜式。素齋雜錦拼盤+荔茸酥卷+北菇豆腐+羅漢齋炒麵為3人套餐👨🧒👱‍♀️份量十足之外,每碟都熱辣辣上枱,原來鄉郊地方,真係可以品嚐到隱世嘅美味。 继续阅读
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